480 Topics

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Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python

Hi! I've just started with HTML and I'm creating my first page. Really simple. How can I print a tag? I mean, I'm trying to do this: [CODE]<p id="test">This is a test using the <p> tag</p>[/CODE] But it doesn't print the "<p>" in "using the <p> tag"...

Member Avatar for jalarie
Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, is there an accepted emthod to print a selected row in a datagridview? I've done some reading and gotten as far as printing a page via the printform but I wondered can you drill down into certain rows or certain datagridviews? thanks,

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for FAITH2011

[B][COLOR="Red"][B]Hi folk, I fairly new to Python 2.7 and Python 3 and like to find out how I would get a print to appear in the middle of the output screen without putting in a load of spaces into a print statement. Please keep it simple for me. Thanks for …

Member Avatar for FAITH2011
Member Avatar for shakssage

Hello. I'm trying to print some text using printDocument. I've managed to print out the text I need into a pdf. The text is taken from the database which is initially made when the windows form loads. The problem is: Once it prints, it shows the pdf, which is fine …

Member Avatar for shakssage
Member Avatar for davibq

Hi, im trying to print a "$". I tried using: msj db "Hola", 36 msj db "Hola \$", '$' msj db "Hola \\$", '$' But none of them worked.. Help please

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for firecy

Ok I'm a VERY (stress the VERY) beginner programmer and I made a yahtzee game. Now, I'm trying to make a high score list so as to keep track of the high scores in my 1-player yahtzee game even after the applet is closed. I have one class called Yahtzee …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for gpjacks

This is a program which declares two vectors of 6 elements each of type double. One vector is named weight and the other is named rate. The program uses a loop to prompt the user for a weight in ounces and a postage rate for that weight and then stores …

Member Avatar for Gerbiler

I have created an html page that must not have the automatically created url/page number at the top, in the header, or the url/page number at the bottom, in the footer, when you print the page. I know that it is possible because google maps does it [URL="http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=54.269804,79.013672&z=4&pw=2"]http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=54.269804,79.013672&z=4&pw=2[/URL]. So I …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Simwillis

When I tried to install an HP printer, why i dont see the printer icon in devices and printers but when i tried to print from any application, i can see the printer from the printer list. It only happens on windows 7 OS only.

Member Avatar for WASDted
Member Avatar for daniyoyo

I want user to be able to click print button and it will print document in web page. I try to use [B]window.print(); [/B]but it prints everything including transparent font color. I want to print document without printing transparent object. How can I do this??

Member Avatar for flyingcurry

The program is supposed to find all the combinations of the letters in "computer", the algorithm was given to me, but I don't have any idea of how it dos its work, all I get from this is a an infinite amount of "nullp" Here is the code: [CODE] public …

Member Avatar for tKc

I have to write a program that reads a text file that contains +/- values and characters and outputs any invalid characters (anything that is not an +/- integer) and also at the end i have to have it print out the total number of how many invalid characters there …

Member Avatar for tKc
Member Avatar for peepster

Hi there, I have a print button on the bottom of my page so that the user can print the page. I also have a print css style sheet so the images/colors aren't visible and the user can just print the text. [url]http://www.e-squareddesigns.com/websites/pacsoc/pacsoc_design.html[/url] When I click the button in Safari …

Member Avatar for akvlko
Member Avatar for jimmy9pints

Hi, I set out to make a body fat calculator tonight. There are a number of things that need to be improved in the below code (any suggestions welcome) but there's one thing I am really baffled by. I get a syntax error on the last few print lines. Please …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for MeandJava

Hello everybody, This is my first time on this forum. I started this year with a study, where i learn Java. I'm from the Netherlands, so some names in the classes you may not know. I have a problem with printing out a few arrays of P in the class …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for smittles

I am brand-new to Python, and this is my first post on DaniWeb. Seems like a positive community, and I hope one day to contribute as a knowledgable expert and not a world-class newbie. I'm wanting to create a simple python program that "fakes" Shakespeare or haiku-style output. I realize …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for rmontgo100

I would like to send variables produced by my program to the printer. I cannot find any information pertaining to this. Can anyone help me with this. Thank you,

Member Avatar for Pegster9

I want to PRINT the formatting marks (space, paragraph, soft return). I can view on the marks in my document on screen, but they do not print. I have been to TOOLS, OPTIONS, and VIEW tab, selected ALL under formatting marks this enable viewing. But when I go to PRINT …

Member Avatar for Pegster9
Member Avatar for jackparsana

Hi, Thanks for help me advance. I have problem with Print which is in out by asp.net code. print has address on top right side what i want to remove. but it not remove. how can i remove address for print-out. please help. thanks Jack parsana.

Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, can anyone help me with the code for a print button in vb.net. I tried researching on the code but could not find it, can anyone help me out. PLease and Thanks...

Member Avatar for GregMaClean

Hello, I am new to printing in vb.net. I have a project (not from school) where I need to be able to print content that is entered by users. The rest of the app is already made. I need to print the following: A [B]Title[/B] with a line under it, …

Member Avatar for GregMaClean
Member Avatar for AndreiDMS

Hi, I have a printable class that needs to print some text only on 1 page. The thing is that when I hit print the printer prints 3 pages: page 1 - with correct content page 2 - empty page page 3 - page with content translated some how then …

Member Avatar for queen123
Member Avatar for gurpreet_ka

Hi all, i have a link that opens .doc files, .docx files, csv files or .xls or .xlsx files. i want silent printing of these files. Only one file opens at a time. If silent printing is not possible then atleast print dialog box should open up along with the …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for Extremist-smj

HI, I have written a code to print the crystal report instead of using print button in the crystal report viewer control.(I have done this in order to keep record of printed pages.) So, now there is a print button in my form, which upon clicked will show the printer …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for gurpreet_ka

i am using javascript to print a pdf. when i click on print button,the pdf is generated nd saved somewhere and after that javascript code runs. This javascript opens the pdf and closes it(opens for a fraction of second) and then again open the same pdf with printer popup screen. …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for gurpreet_ka

hi all, I have separate action class and view(xhtml) in my project. i have a link in xhtml that opens a file. This file can be a word document or a pdf document or may be some other form but these two forms are confirmed. My requirement is that thon …

Member Avatar for Code_GrasssHopp

I was wondering if anyone knows how to print out the contents of an array into a text file(i.e myfile.txt) What i have is an array full of strings and my goal is to print each of them onto a seperate line in a text file. I kno how to …

Member Avatar for Code_GrasssHopp
Member Avatar for denmiller3
Member Avatar for nsavvinv

Hi everybody, is there a simple way to print a floating point number in its internal representation (i.e. binary or hex) in C(C++)? Yet another question -- is there a linux utility to do the opposite thing with a binary file (i.e. choose a range of bits and convert it …

Member Avatar for frodothehobbit

The End.