20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for xVent

Hello to all , is there any code that will make possible check if the user typed a word i want in order to show him something ? something like , if the user types time , or tim or timing or the word time and transformated to show him …

Member Avatar for xVent
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I use Visual Studio 8.0 Enterpice I create setup project Then I do the following: Right mouse click on application folder select Add -> Project Output "add project output group" [COLOR="Red"]shows up empty [/COLOR](see Annex) Pull Down by [COLOR="Green"]project[/COLOR] and [COLOR="green"]configuration[/COLOR] option is empty !!! what's is wrong or what …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for hardindp

Help please... I have a WPF window that contains several WPF user controls. I am using VB express. How can I reference the controls in a UserControl from the main window? Thanks

Member Avatar for mshravs

i have a problem here. I need to change the year automatically...ie i have given year 2009 in the text box, but it should change along with the change of the year................do anyone know the code for this......if so please help me thnks

Member Avatar for mshravs
Member Avatar for zinu

hi, i have 2 documents to print from the same vb.net form. i want to print it using 2 printers.how can i set the printer for each one without selecting the printer at run time. i want to set it printer1,printer2 and for document1 i want to select printer1, and …

Member Avatar for yorro

How do I Load an excel file to the PrintPreviewDialog? [CODE=vb] Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Private Sub btnPrintPreview_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrintPreview.Click Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook xlApp = New Excel.ApplicationClass xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(Application.StartupPath & "report_summary.xlsx") MyPrintPreviewDialog.Document = xlWorkBook If MyPrintPreviewDialog.ShowDialog() = …

Member Avatar for yorro
Member Avatar for tatetg

open and close serial port and making variables, dim statement help. i written the code that show me my serial port 3 is on pc. don't know how to make my variable"theComPort work and declare as string to use in/out of lstbox. can anyone get me on the right track? …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for x38class

I want to modify my app to include a list box of thumbnails say 3 or 4 across horizontal plane (depends on width of list box0 probaly add file name underneath as in explorer Any help much appreciated

Member Avatar for hollertrek
Member Avatar for rgerman

Hello, I am working with VB.net 2005. The PrintPreviewDialog I am working with allows users to preview a document but the Page numbers in the top right had corner limits the user to 999 pages. I have found a way to change the start page for that control but can't …

Member Avatar for Peric

Ok, this is what I need... I select four columns(those are informations about payed fee for each member...so it could have zero or more rows) from my database (from two different tables), one record as "ID" and other three (i've band them together) as "Rest". Then, I've put that column …

Member Avatar for Peric
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

[QUOTE][/QUOTE]Hi I have been trying to flatten the columns header in a Datagrid, the same way as we do it with buttons using .FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat but have been unsuccessful. If it is possible to do it can someone help me. Thank you

Member Avatar for lovely ari

hey every one happy Halloween ^__^ i'm trying to make a log in system but i have a small problem the problem is i want the user name to be not Sensitive to the capital letter and small letter e.x if the user name is ari and password is IT …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Peric

I'm selecting value from my database, passing it to datatable then giving DataGridView.DataSource value of datatable. The thing is that in those rows i'm also selecting some dates and problem is that my default date in database is '1900-01-01 00:00:00' because i use "smalldatetime". And what i want is this...when …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for xcorpionxting

I am having a small problem... I can connect to a local MySql Database using: [CODE]SQLConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=servername;" & _ "Initial Catalog=databasename;" & _ "User ID=username;" & _ "Password=userpassword;" [/CODE] Where servername is "localhost". I need to make a connection to an online database (same data structure). What should …

Member Avatar for xcorpionxting
Member Avatar for saleemwazir

i m final year student of computer engineering and there is problem for me in my final year project. i want to attach databases to sql server dbms from one of the form of my vb.net application. the idea is that a want to have a button name "Browse" when …

Member Avatar for gbpnkpm
Member Avatar for babbu

hello every1, my project is on the verge of completion and a large part of the credit goes to daniweb. now m stuck with a very annoying problm. ive googled the whole day but to no avail. m using visual studion 2005 and access 07. ive clubbed these three problms …

Member Avatar for babbu
Member Avatar for bcohenllc

Alright.. i figured out mostly everything but my math is still screwing me up. I need to accumulate running totals for number of checks and number of deposits ;and total value of checks and total value of deposits. Im supposed to do this by looping through my arrays and this …

Member Avatar for ckenned8

I am trying to write a program that is a statistical calculator. The way i have it set up is that you press the enter data button and it asks you how many numbers you want entered by inputbox then it proceeds to take the numbers one by one by …

Member Avatar for kplcjl
Member Avatar for HarshaDhanushka

I'm a beginner to IT education.So, I wan't to know major differences between VB.NET and Visual Basic 6. What're the new features? Are they same?

Member Avatar for RC1007

I've got one form in a masterpage en here i've got one asp:button with a submit function that sends data to my mail for now. And then I made a contactform in a contentpage with a asp:button.Herefore is a second submitbutton. All code behind vb.net(the function) Problem: when i click …

Member Avatar for rready1

all I need to do is have a control that a user keys in a code that is validated against the sql table and brings back the associated web page for that code. does anyone know how to do this in Visual Studio 2003

Member Avatar for w412
Member Avatar for RRD

In VS2008 Is there a way to run an insert query against 2 different DataSources. I have a source that I would like to select about 10 fields from and insert into a different source. Example .. DS1 select 10 fields of data DS2 Insert those 10 fields of data …

Member Avatar for murid

[B]Sending Parts:[/B] [CODE]For var = i To x Dim PACKET_SIZE As UInt16 = 4096 Dim ByteArray() As Byte ' Data buffer filestream = New FileStream(at(z), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) Reader = New BinaryReader(filestream) Writer = New BinaryWriter(clientSocke.GetStream) ' Get socket's stream 'send size of file Writer.Write(CInt(filestream.Length)) 'Send the file data Do 'read …

Member Avatar for soeppp

I create a filter to search a text from listview but it show a error message Like this {"Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length"} HERE IS MY CODE [CODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for Peric

i want to ask one more thing about crystal reports...let's say i need an report that will show me payed "membership fee" for year that I want to choose. How can I get something like this? I know that I can make separated reports for single year, but I want …

Member Avatar for Peric
Member Avatar for alan_2k9

Please help me on this. Printform of the visual powerpack 3.0 cant print the whole content of the form. I used scrollable form in order to have a content equal to a 8""x11" paper. when i preint using printform with scrollble option, i found out that it can only print …

Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi buddy's, I need your guide regarding to pull data form other database to other database....I'm already pull the data into Dataset using this command :- [CODE] oracmd = New odbccommand ("Select id,name,dept from staff order by id",oracn) da = ds.fill [/CODE] then i need to insert to other database …

Member Avatar for kerek2
Member Avatar for juster21

I have a spreadsheet that I need to trim 3 columns. I have scoured the net but can't find anything that I've been able to use to trim each cell in columns A, H and I. Any help is appreciated. I am using Excel 2003 and VS2005.

Member Avatar for mikiurban
Member Avatar for dwiest

Hi... Can anyone tell me (from scratch as I've not done this before) how I can stream live through modem-to-modem connection. The modem here refers to dial-up modem (PSTN modem), there is no internet/lan involved. It will be 2 programs, the first is to transmit real-time video from webcam, and …

Member Avatar for Alexwoo

Attempting to do an assignment that has five input boxes, and then uses them to calculate how much money a person would make over the course of their working life. The problem is, when i run it, it simply gives me how much the person would make after 1 year, …

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The End.