2,180 Topics

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Member Avatar for abdalaziz
Member Avatar for MrCapuchino

Hello, I have a xsl file Here I have the HTML code to display a webpage, inside i have a table that fills the rows with data from an XML file. I created a link that has the href attribute filled with data from an element in the XML file. …

Member Avatar for MrCapuchino
Member Avatar for MrCapuchino

Hi, I have a problem, when I test my XSL file from Dreamweaver it opens and transforms the XML document into a temporal HTML file. But if I create a Hyperlink in another web page that links to the file.xls it does not transforms the XML document it just shows …

Member Avatar for MrCapuchino
Member Avatar for Lizbeth

Hi i have a C# windows form that has two list boxes on it.The left one contains a list of 16 student module codes that are available to enrol onto. The user selects a module from the left to transfer to the right box. I have it working up to …

Member Avatar for CsharpChico
Member Avatar for shaunsul

Hello all I am working on completing some testing for new printer drives and as you can imagine we go through a lot of paper. Well I would like to see the company save a tree or three. However, part of our driver testing requires that we have a printout …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for jayreis

Hello I am not sure what category to put this in. I have a question about .htaccess what I am wanting to do is remove all .php extentions from all files on a website so [url]www.domain.com/contact.php[/url] will become [url]www.domain.com/contact[/url] So my .htaccess file which I have in my public_html folder …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for shruwin

Hi, I have to retrieve data from database and create a XML file, then i have to parse this file and display output in browser. Creating XML file works fine. But parsing is not working. No errors. But output is not displayed in browser. Have submission tomo. Please Please help. …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for davidmhollis

I originally posted back in Feb. 2011 about needing to transform one xml file with another xml file.. thinking it would be a straight one for one transformation... but of course, it can't remain that easy! I now have to take multiple line items from the input file based on …

Member Avatar for davidmhollis
Member Avatar for amit.hak50

I am getting this error ,can anyone help me : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home4/thesisth/public_html/pdfsearchmachine/classes/rss.php on line 14 Here is the rss.php code [CODE] <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <? $search = $_GET["search"]; $replace = " "; $with = "+"; $search = str_replace($replace, $with, $search); if ($rs = …

Member Avatar for amit.hak50
Member Avatar for shruwin

Hi, I have to retrieve data from database and create a XML file, then i have to parse this file and display output in browser. Creating XML file works fine. But parsing is not working. No errors. But output is not displayed in browser. Have submission tomo. Please Please help. …

Member Avatar for sc000ber

Im running Windows Vista And all of a sudden recently when I recieve emails to my msn.com address the attatchments Pics are not there just a frame with a tiny red x in the upper corner can I get some guidance on how to fix that please?

Member Avatar for ceyesuma

When Using DOM can the text in [ICODE]<linkDesc>[url]www.deleteme.com[/url] desc</linkDesc>[/ICODE]be replaced or will the link element need to be Removed and replaced? [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><links> <links> <link action="save"> <linkName>www.deleteme.com name</linkName> <linkPath>www.deleteme.com</linkPath> <linkDesc>www.deleteme.com desc</linkDesc> </link> </links>[/CODE] thanks

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for jasonchild

I have an XML page with the XSLT embedded in the file. I cannot have an external file for the XSLT in this application. Additionally I must reference the stylesheet in a way that the XML file's name can change. I can do this with... [CODE]<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="#mySheet"?>[/CODE] ...where... [CODE]<xsl:template …

Member Avatar for _gabe_
Member Avatar for dhudnall

Hello Folks, I currently have a problem with trying to assign values using an XPathNavigator object in InfoPath. What I am trying to do is to perform a simple copy and nothing appears to be working. I don't know if I am doing something wrong or the syntax is incorrect. …

Member Avatar for dhudnall
Member Avatar for tmroper1331

I have the following XMl file: Code: <Vehicles> <Company name="Ford"> <Vehicletype Vtype="Suv"> <Price>12000</Price> </Vehicletype> </Company> <Company name="Ford"> <Vehicletype Vtype="Truck"> <Price>20000</Price> </Vehicletype> </Company> </Vehicles> And I am trying to transform it to: Code: <Vehicles> <Company name="Ford"> <Vehicletype Vtype="Suv"> <Price>12000</Price> </Vehicletype> <Vehicletype Vtype="Truck"> <Price>20000</Price> </Vehicletype> </Company> </Vehicles> Any help would be appreciated …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for Malaoshi

Hi, I want to start the following project: 1. I got data from several Smartphone tests - did most of them myself. 2. I want to write a programm, where the user can choose different options and than will get his "perfect" phone. 3. My Question: [LIST] [*]What would you …

Member Avatar for Shockbox

Hi there, I'm pretty new to XML and Web Services but what I'm trying to do is allow a user to register with an email address. The email entered is to be checked to make sure it doesn't already exist and if not, it is added to our XML file. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi everyone, I have been asked to help extract data from a xml file and use the data to input into html form designed in php I have read a few articles but im missing the point some how... On the file that im trying to get the data to …

Member Avatar for LloydFarrell
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi all - I have a xml file that I am trying to extract data from and create variables to use in a PHP / html form. I am new to extracting information from xml and creating variables The XML file is show below and what I would like to …

Member Avatar for LloydFarrell
Member Avatar for thekashyap

Hi, I'm looking for a good [Feed] Reader application/software to keep up to date abt new / updated posts in say Daniweb C-Forum. Any good app you know? I'm currently using [URL="http://www.feedreader.com/"]FeedReader 3.14[/URL]. Seems decent enough but it doesn't: [LIST] [*] Show me full thread (only the original post/question). [*] …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for mossa

I'm construted a php-class where I create and save some elements in an XMLfile. Outside that class I instantiate the class and save it in a _SESSION['obj'] if the session has not been created yet, otherwise I want to get the document back and add new elements to the XMLfile. …

Member Avatar for mossa
Member Avatar for duliduli556

We are posting an XML file to our ftp server that updates approximately every 3 minutes. We need to post the XML file to an HTML Page and publish it so that a secondary party can pull the XML data. Most of what I just said is Greek to me …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for Vandamn

I have written a windows service which is host to a WCF service and i connect to the WCF in vb.net by adding a service reference in vs2008. the problem i have is that i need to connect to the WCF in javascript or jQuery (not bothered which). How do …

Member Avatar for bertm81

Hey All, I have written a script that uses elementTree to work on python 2.4. Took quite a while and worked a threat but now I need to get it working on 2.3.4. I can't upgrade the version of python. Is there an equivelent version of the element tree for …

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Member Avatar for unkvar

I'm really stuck attempting to pull bulleted text from a rather unwieldy source. Ideally, I'd like to be able maintain the structure of bulleted items as they appeared in an odp slide. I'm using an <xsl:for-each> to loop through the text items. Essentially, I need to figure out how to …

Member Avatar for parth09
Member Avatar for ndiiie

Hi all, I want to display multiple different google maps by using restful web service in the same page..this is the way I do it in one of my page: [CODE]GoogleMapClient client = new GoogleMapClient(location); Object map = client.getGoogleMap(location); out.println(map); client.close();[/CODE] I have tried to loop it becomes: [CODE]GoogleMapClient client …

Member Avatar for himit

Hi All, I am not sure where am i going wrong but this is something which made me realise that my understanding about the for-each and apply-templates was wrong. :( I have 2 XMLs, I want to display the 'value' present in one XML after comparing the 'name' present in …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for ashwinshenoy

Hi Guys, I am currently working on a vb project. What I am trying to do is reading a XML file and saving all the data in to the Access DB. Once this is done, I read the data from the access Db and display it in the required fields …

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Member Avatar for CodeHelp

Anybody know if there is a way we can write unit tests for XSLT transformation. I have lot for XSLT files and it is becoming hard to to test them manually. I know we can have a sample XML and compare it with the output of the XSLT, but I …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for solsys

Let say that i have the current xml document <root> <child> <name> </name> <lastname> </lastname> </child> <child> <name> </name> <lastname> </lastname> </child> <child> <name> </name> <lastname> </lastname> </child> ... </root> I use <xsl:for-each select="root/child"> and then type <ul> <li> <xsl:value-of select="name"/> <xsl:value-of select="lastname"/> </li> </ul> The problem is that i …

Member Avatar for xml_looser

The End.