1,599 Topics

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Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Could someone tell me what has to be changed to get the element name and text of my targetElement? I just get internal frame openFrameCount= 1 start obj() type= guide cmaj name: null value: null name: null value: null name: null value: null cmaj name: null value: null name: null …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for Ram1979

Help needed on how to re-arrange the value of an element while displaying. XML ----- <vdu vdu_id="4b8febcd000000000a5901f2232f0002"> <field><name>vdu_id</name><value>4b8febcd000000000a5901f2232f0002</value></field> <Field><Name>ANI</Name><Value></Value> </Field> <Field><Name>AccountNumber</Name><Value></Value> </Field> <Field><Name>ERMCaseCategory</Name><Value></Value> </Field> <Field><Name>ERMCaseId</Name><Value></Value> </Field> <Field><Name>extradata</Name><Value></Value> <Container count="6"> <Field><Name>emailtype</Name><Value>NOR</Value> </Field> <Field><Name>messageId</Name><Value>589</Value> </Field> <Field><Name>tenantLogoURL</Name><Value></Value> </Field> <Field><Name>tenant_key</Name><Value>2</Value> </Field> <Field><Name>tenantname</Name><Value>IMLGTenant</Value> </Field> <Field><Name>trackingNumber</Name><Value>T201003040002</Value> </Field> </Container> </Field> </vdu> XSL ----- <HTML> <HEAD> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" …

Member Avatar for 6pandn21

Hello everyone, I am trying to understand how a journey planner shows a map of user's journey. My idea is the journey planner will use the Google maps API or some similar service to plot the journey. There must be some type of XML data (JSON in case of google?) …

Member Avatar for PierlucSS

I'm currently working on some ajax polling stuff and I don't want do pass through all the process if nothing has changed in the xml file I'm using for my asynchronous process. However after each polling I want to set the value DateTime.Now, but cannot do it with [CODE]Request.Form[ "lastPoll" …

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Member Avatar for ceyesuma

What do I need to learn to stop on a certain element which this class can do. But I would like to work with the children of the element is finds? [code] /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Could someone help me understand why my list does not have all the children of my element? (JDOM Element class) I wanted to send the items from the list to setters in another Class. [code] if (attributeValue.equals(name)) { Object k = element; if (k instanceof Element) { Element keyElement = …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for vedmack

Hi i have xml file with nodes that could hold any type of input: for example XML code: <Code>1.2.3</Code> <name>John</name> </Employee> <Code>11.2.4</Code> <name>John</name> </Employee> <Code>2.3.7</Code> <name>John</name> </Employee> OR <Code>a.1.5</Code> <name>John</name> </Employee> <Code>a.2.1</Code> <name>John</name> </Employee> <Code>c.4.2</Code> <name>John</name> </Employee> The problem is that i can get any type of input Im looking …

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Member Avatar for nvishwas

I need transform the following XML to CSV. Can some one suggest how do i write an XSLT to transform. XML is <Transaction TransactionID="60" EventDate="2009-08-17"> <VehicleBuilt InstallationType="factory"> <Vehicle> <Receiver RSN="489823"> <Module> <AddressableElement ESN="99409230923"> <Capability Type="Audio"> <Subscription> <SalesCode>DCC12MO</SalesCode> <Type>Audio</Type> </Subscription> </Capability> </AddressableElement> <AddressableElement ESN="12192019"> <Capability Type="Traffic"> </Capability> </AddressableElement> <AddressableElement ESN="1209010290192"> <Capability …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for himit

Hi, I want to pass the value of a variable in my href. Is it possible? Example:- <xsl:variable name="URL"> <xsl:value-of select="catalog/cd"/> </xsl:variable> <a href="[COLOR="Red"]&lt;xsl:value-of select='$URL'/&gt;[/COLOR]"> Link to catalog </a> Please help me, how could i achieve this task?

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Member Avatar for mk123

I was following the tutorial of dtd at w3schools. I copied and pasted the following onfrom a site and called it t.dtd but when i tried to validate it in Eclipse it gets an error. I added the encoding part because it was complaining about the first line missing attributes …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for hpdp

Hi, I'm new to xslt. I need to write a xslt on medical journals. I made it work. But I found if I need to add something later, it's hard to do. Right now, I'm trying to add links to different sections. I know I need to use test on …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hpdp

My xsl file produce links to different sections of the html output. By clicking the link, it pops a window pointing to the section of the html output. I need the pop-up window only display the section of the clicked link. I think I have to produce html output which …

Member Avatar for pankajagar2002

Hello , Please help me, i am facing problem to divide the xml in two parts. The xml is <aa> <x>1</x> <x>2</x> <x>3</x> <x>4</x> <x>5</x> <x>6</x> <x>7</x> <x>8</x> <x>9</x> <x>10</x> </aa> the x element contain some attriubte and child elements. and i want to divide the xml into two parts …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for k1robert

My problem is I want to be able to read through this xml document and populate a winform before validating it and then storing it into a table. This is a snippet of the xml document, it's way too big to put it all here. [code=xml] - <Applicant> + <common:PersonName> …

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Member Avatar for Alginonuk

Hi I hope this is the correct place to ask this question, if not then would certainly appreciate any help in pointing me in the right direction. I am looking to make/have made some simple software for a college project. I need to use DTMF (from a mobile/cellphone or digital …

Member Avatar for php99

Hi, I have made a working program that collects data from a server then puts it into an array. I decided its time to move away from text files and on to XML. [CODE] Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(frm_Loader.jokes_dic) Dim input As String input = sr.ReadLine() frm_Loader.counter = 0 …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tadchristiansen

I am trying to do the following in an xsl file: [CODE]ANSWER[@id = concat(local-name(),'_STYLE')]/@valueSrc[/CODE] The xml I am transforming is as follows: [CODE]<DECK desc="Deck" id="DECK1"> <ANSWER id="DECK_STYLE" valueSrc="USER" /> </DECK>[/CODE] The result of this gives me an empty string. However if I make a variable and use it like this: …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for sandeep.handa

Hi All, I am working on application where i need to read flatfile and then i need to transform using XSLT to another flatfile.How can i achieve this. I am also thinking when we use XSLT 1.0 we can load XML in DOM and validate in SOM aganist schema and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello. I am building a XML reader class DOM. Does anyone have a link that has some code where the text from a JComboBox.selectedItem()("text") for example or any text is used to find a Node in a the DOM document and then work with that nodes siblings?

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for Bash23

Ok I'm trying use scrapy (python module) to get stats off [URL="http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?archive=false&seasonType=REG&statisticPositionCategory=RUNNING_BACK&d-447263-o=2&conference=null&d-447263-s=RUSHING_40PLUS_YARDS_EACH&experience=null&d-447263-n=1&season=2009&qualified=true&Submit=Go&tabSeq=1&d-447263-p=1"]Here[/URL] and I got the Xpath using Xpather plugin. [CODE]/html/body[@id='com-nfl']/div[@id='doc']/div[@id='doc-wrap']/div[@id='main-content']/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/form/table[@id='result']/tbody[2]/tr[1]/td[2][/CODE] The prob is that the TRs contains all the players and TD inside TR contain all the stats. What Xpath do I use or how do I loop through …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for garea

Hi, I'm searching for an XML streamming parser, but I dont know wich one I must use. I have to parse very large files, and i need to use threads because i need to do some things before the parsing of all the file has finished (that's what a streamming …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for janicita

Hi, I,m using clickAndWait to click on a button. But I got an error that says the button was not found. I guess this is because there is more than one button at the same level of the html code. selenium.clickAndWait("//input[@value='Réserver']"); The number of buttons is generated dynamically and the …

Member Avatar for k_manimuthu

Hi All, I am trying to get the maximum no of column in a table through XSLT code. Below i had placed the sample table format. Here column tagged as 'th' and 'td'. Some of the column having 'colspan' attribute. I am struggling how to add colspan value in a …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for Mapper99

Hi there, I am trying to delete XML nodes using PHP. Here is a sample of my xml file. [CODE] <users> <user> <fullname>PC1</fullname> <floor>4</floor> </user> <user> <fullname>PC2</fullname> <floor>3</floor> </user> </users> [/CODE] Here is my code so far: [CODE] <?php $users = new DOMDocument(); $users->load("officedata.xml"); $suser = simplexml_load_file("officedata.xml"); $count = 0; …

Member Avatar for disinfor
Member Avatar for MacUsers

Greetings everyone!! First of all, I'm a python newbie; my apology in advance if I'm being silly with my question but I really hope some one can help me on this. I got myself a project (just to start) to read iTunes library .xml file - iTunes Music Library.xml - …

Member Avatar for Pupo
Member Avatar for prashantc13

Can somebody help me with the following problem, here is inputxml, xslt i'm using and expected output . actually i know it is because of unique generateid not getting generated this xslt failing to generate desired output but i don't know where that code should be inserted. InputXML [CODE=XML]<?xml version="1.0" …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for Broodmdh

I am attempting to merge two XML documents (using Pentaho Kettle), and I'm having trouble with my XPATH statement. In the first XML, I have a list of users and their user id's. In the second XML, I have a list of projects, each with an id that corresponds to …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for indu_ss4

Hi! I want to find the xpath of an xml doument along with its index value in java. I'm using DOM parser to parse the xml document. Suppose if i consider this xml document, [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE folks SYSTEM "sample.dtd"> <folks> <person> <name>abi</name> <phone>999555-8888</phone> <email>b@xyz.net</email> </person> <person> <name>saran</name> <phone>213545697</phone> …

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Member Avatar for 2timphil

I am new at xml but have a little php/html/javascript knowledge. My question: how do I get my xml data to automatically refresh? I believe it's somewhere in the xhttp commands, but am lost. Any help would be appreciated. [CODE] <html> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="15"> <body> <h1>Test</h1> <b></b> <span id="audio"></span><br /> …

Member Avatar for hangon

Hi, I have the following xml and I want an xsl that the out put should be only part of the input xml including all attributes, text everything. Input xml [code] <a> <b> <c id="k">test</c> <d id="y">test</d> </b> </a> [/code] Output [code] <b> <c id="k">test</c> <d id="y">test</d> </b> [/code] In …

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The End.