1,599 Topics

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am sure is a no-brainer but I am new at XSLT. I just can get my XML to vaLidate against 2 namespaces; I might be missing somethig at the psgecfd:PrestadoresDeServiciosDeCFD node!. I have an XML with 2 xsi:schemaLocation and when validation againts the xsd I got the error: [B]Vs cfdv2.xsd:[/B] …

Member Avatar for khess

Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel, said at the [URL="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon"]LinuxCon[/URL] in Portland yesterday that, "We are not the streamlined, small, hyper-efficient kernel I envisioned 15 years ago," he said. "Our kernel is huge and bloated. Whenever we add a new feature, it only gets worse." It's time to put …

Member Avatar for legolas558
Member Avatar for loukiachr

Hello, I want to create a word 2003 type document (.doc). I have a xml file and a xslt file. The first one has the data the second has the style. Then I combine these two through my c# code and create the doc file. Can you please help me …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sa3q

Hello all i want to make application in c# to read any xml file in tree example the xml file like that ======================= [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <directory name="D:\ajsam"> <directory name="D:\ajsam\Muscle & Fitness"> <directory name="D:\ajsam\Muscle & Fitness\aa"> <file name="جديد.txt" size="12"/> <file name="Cover.jpg" size="8828"/> <file name="Thumbs.db" size="11776"/> </directory> <file name="Allthewarez.lnk" size="447"/> <file name="Allthewarez.nfo" …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Mapper99

Hi there, I am trying to delete XML nodes using PHP. Here is a sample of my xml file. [code] <users> <user> <fullname>PC1</fullname> <flooor>4</floor </user> <user> <fullname>PC2</fullname> <flooor>3</floor </user> </users> [/code] Here is my code so far: [CODE] <?php $users = new DOMDocument(); $users->load("officedata.xml"); $suser = simplexml_load_file("officedata.xml"); $count = 0; …

Member Avatar for Mapper99
Member Avatar for MJUGRAN

Hi , I am fetching a xml file having n records (destinations one detination may have m routes) as below: <destination> <filename>ABC</filename> <route>ftp://manish_test:manish_pass@</route> <route>ftp://manish_test:manish_pass@</route> </destination> I have to fetch all these records based on file name (say the above destination for file staring with ABC) and so on... How I …

Member Avatar for ashu2409

hi, i am using XmlTextReader class to read xml from http link ,now my problem is that i want to replace the special characters(•) from xml before reading its tag, coz it is giving the error in XmlTextReader reader.Read() method. Please suggest any solutions to this. Thanks in advance, Ashish

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Member Avatar for sachinw

The requirement in simple logic is(please ignore the syntax i just want to tell u the requirement): <variable name="a" select="//SearchRequest/@Input"> <template> <when a=1> One </when> <when a=2> Two </when> <otherwise> None <otherwise> <!--here i want to create one element with above value which is condition based i.e One or Two …

Member Avatar for coonbri

Hello all. I am new to ASP.NET XML so I am looking for some guidance. I have an XML string that needs to read into an ASP.NET C# Gridview. The XML data actually comes from the CRM SDK crm web service (FetchXML). The XML Elements contain (dots) and attributes which …

Member Avatar for hschroeter

hello, there is a main xslt-script with a "do_this_and_that"-template. in an from the main included script ther is such "do_this_and_that"-template too. is it possible to call the "do_this_and_that"-template from the main by this included "do_this_and_that"-template? many thanks for your answer(s)

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for mikeHL

Hi, I want to process the following xml: [COLOR="Green"]... <a> HHHHeader 1 : xxx <it> yyy </it> zzz HHHHeader 2 : aaa bbb <it> ccc </it> </a> ...[/COLOR] And I want to get via a xslt the following xml [COLOR="Green"]... <a> <Header hd="1"> xxx <it> yyy </it> zzz </Header> <Header …

Member Avatar for mikeHL
Member Avatar for sacha74

Hello, I have 2 problems with an xml file: 1. the original xml has no structure because all the tags (except the root element) are at the same level. What I want to do is to insert a tag <toto>, whose children would be one <FM1Titre> and all the tags …

Member Avatar for chand.

Hi I need to know how we can swap the xml nodes with php. actually I'm working with flash and want to create such a menu in which the images of the menu is come from the xml source. Now user can drag and drop the menu vertically like a …

Member Avatar for zackyz
Member Avatar for ktkevin1222

I'm fairly new to coding VB 2008 I need help converting a text document with a type of code in it. One line looks like this: 52.000000, 400.000000, 1.3107711, 0 I need to convert that to an xml file that looks like this: - <CuePoint> <Time>11619</Time> <Type>event</Type> <Name>Marker 01</Name> - …

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Member Avatar for lorelore

Hi! I´m a newbie trying to get the size of groups with XSLT 2.0 What I'm trying to do is get the count of different child elements of a certain node, so I'm grouping them by name. Given the following sample xml file what I want is a 2 columns …

Member Avatar for lorelore
Member Avatar for sinnerFA

Here is a sample of the XML that I am starting with: XML: any.xml [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="any.xsl"?> <root> <device> <device_Info> <name>Name 1</name> <type>Type</type> </device_Info> <drive_Pair> <status>Ready</status> <Local> <l_name>10E5</l_name> </Local> <Remote> <l_name>0651</l_name> </Remote> </drive_Pair> #Can be 1 or many <drive_Pair>'s {<drive_Pair> ... </drive_Pair>} # Can only be …

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Member Avatar for shazee32

Hi there, I need help urgently! I need to add xml declaration and namespace as shown below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> xmlns="http://online.ogcbuyingsolutions.gov.uk/schemas/products" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://online.ogcbuyingsolutions.gov.uk/schemas/products products_1_17.xsd"> I have written the stored proc in SQL 2008 to generate an xml output using thefor xml explicit and that is all fine. The problem …

Member Avatar for chand.

Hi I'm creating a flipbook which get the data through xml. It works properly in the flash means when I test it using ctrl+Enter but when I upload it onto the server it not shows even a single page means the cml isn't loaded there. Any ideas what would be …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

In my project I had been using a set of arrays to hold some data, realized it was a bad design, so then I decided to create an object that holds all the relevant data, and add them to an arraylist, this work great except all the data was information …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for tryhere

[CODE] <?xml version="1.0"?> <staff> <user> <id>A</id> <rank>User</rank> </user> <user> <id>B</id> <rank>User</rank> </user> <user> <id>C</id> <rank>Administrator</rank> </user> </staff> [/CODE] I have to promote to "Administrator" a random user using XPath. How can I do it?

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for csplrj

I have a HTML document in which there is a <td> tag In this td tag the TextContent is equal to "Type" It is not neccessary that the td tag directly has content,it may have content in the subtags. The "Type" stuff may be enclosed in between the spaces What …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for marklebp

This week Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) formally appealed the judge’s ruling that MS Word application violates the patent 5,787,449 held by i4i. Microsoft was forced by last weeks ruling that Microsoft must stop selling MS Word in the U.S. containing the patented customized XML tool in the next 60 days. Microsoft …

Member Avatar for newsguy

[URL="http://www.linspire.com"]Linspire[/URL] and Microsoft in agreement over something? Although it sounds unlikely at first glance, that is exactly what is happening as the developer of the Linspire commercial and Freespire community desktop Linux operating systems announces it will join Microsoft in its efforts to improve the ability of OpenOffice.org users to …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for narko

These days I’ve been working on creating feed reader which retrieves data from weather.com site. They provide detailed SDK and information you’ll need to read information from their site. I had to use ASP as script language to read XOAP service data. What is interesting a lot of sites provide …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Tim Berners-Lee has a [URL="http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/blog/4"]blog [/URL]that is, more often than not, worth reading. Certainly that has been the case over the weekend as the inventor of the World Wide Web has been talking about reinventing HTML. Referring to the W3C HTML group Berners-Lee admits that it is important to have …

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I was reading the [URL="http://google-code-updates.blogspot.com"]Google Code Blog [/URL]and noticed that Google software engineer Matthias Zenger happened to announce the availability of the updated Google Base Data API last week. This lets you develop applications that can dynamically interact with Google Base, obviously. Perhaps a little less obviously it also allows …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

It has been a busy week for both [URL="http://www.w3.org"]W3C [/URL]and anyone who is serious about XML. The [URL="http://www.w3.org/XML/Core/"]W3C XML Core Working Group[/URL] has published the fourth edition of XML 1.0, and second editions of XML 1.1 and Namespaces in XML 1.0 and 1.1. Forming, as they do, the bedrock for …

Member Avatar for happygeek

More bad news from the Las Vegas Black Hat Convention, this time for the blogging community. Most RSS reader software is vulnerable to malicious JavaScript insertion attacks, and web based readers are not immune either. With typical JavaScript based attacks targeting passwords and personal data, it is something that should …

Member Avatar for Danny

Computer programmers from around the world will soon flock to Mountain View, California, to participate in Code Jam, a competition run by search giant [url=http://www.google.com]Google Inc[/url]. Registration for Code Jam 2005 officially opened today. No limits on registration have been set, but only 500 contestants will move past the qualification …

Member Avatar for rototem

Hello, I have to parse an xml document that contains names of sports teams , but these sport teams tags are included in league tags , so inside a league can be a variable number of teams (1, 2 etc.). Like this : <league> <name>NCAA</name> <team> <name>Akron </name> <decimalodds>2</decimalodds> </team> …

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The End.