I am shiva and I am making a web application in asp.net. I want to use "file open dialog box" control in my web application. But I cant do it because I dont know how use of "file open dialog box" control in asp.net.
So please help and provide me a simple solution.

A web application of course wouldn't have any of the standard OS controls. It's a web application, not a fat client application. The only reason to ever present the user with a "File" dialog box is so they can upload a file. The standard HTML "file input" form element has been around for ages for just that reason.

ASP.NET is bound to have a much more complicated, hard to understand, and pointlessly obscure version of the control.

Ah, here it is: System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile .

Simple web searchs for that or for "ASP.NET File Upload" should get you the rest of what you need to know.

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