What do you guys think about censorship in the mass media today?

Most boring rant *ever*

If there'd been censorship in the country he made that rant about censorship it'd have been censored so the very existence of that thing shows clearly that there is no censorship there :)

The mass media (or most of it) have a strict far-left political agenda and will refuse to publish things that don't fit that agenda.
That's however not censorship. It's freedom of expression, however abhorrent it is for "reputable" news media to do.
It's also political propaganda.

If you want censorship, look at communist China, Cuba, North Korea, Zimbadwe, and pretty much every other communist country in the world.
Sadly some supposedly free countries are going that way as well, like Finland which is blocking websites their political leadership doesn't agree with under the excuse that they contain child porn, websites which typically include sites that are critical of that censorship program and try to expose it.

The mass media (or most of it) have a strict far-right political agenda and will refuse to publish things that don't fit that agenda. A good example is Fox News in the US.

I wonder if bias is a form of cencorship. Fox News is the only channel our VP watches and they cater to him and his comrades.

you must live in a different world from the rest of us if you think the media is anything other than hardcore socialist...

In fact you contradict yourself in your own statements :)

I wonder if bias is a form of cencorship.

Yes. Read the book by that title for more information.

Censorship is not always bad -- often serves some good purpose such as deleting government secrets (classified material), company secrets (such as how do they put the M on a piece of M&M candy?), criminal offenses of underage children, adoption papers, and the list goes on and on. We the public do NOT have the right to know everything about everybody.

self censorship is fine, it's when governments start preventing people from saying things because the government doesn't like what's being said (which is what true censorship is) that things get hairy.

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