If you want to follow the election results tonight you can visit http://election.cbsnews.com/election2008/

Right now Obama has 67% of the votes that have been counted.

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All 54 Replies

yeah im staying up all night (its all going on between 2300 and 0600 GMT)

first results will be in just after midnight

you voted yet?

yeah im staying up all night (its all going on between 2300 and 0600 GMT)

Ouch! That's dedication! I'm hoping to be in bed by midnight here in Central Standard (GMT-6)

did you vote?

Definitely. I went by this morning before work. Flex time is great sometimes. Most all of the other 'before work' group was already gone.

yeah apparently there was huge queues?

oh the first few polls come in within 1 minute!

o shit apparently McCain is winning?
3 to 8 votes
38% to 51% of popular vote

Yes I voted, but I had to wait until after work because I didn't have enough time before I started working. Thankfully I live in a smally town so the lines were very very short at 4:00 pm afternoon. I heard on the radio that the lines in St Louis streatched over a block.

yeah i heard it was very controversial as lots of people got turned away as poor people dont have photo id or there homes have been forclosed

ah some more have just come in

mccain was winning but obama just got some big wins so it looks very bad for mccain now. mccain also did bad in some places he wanted to win in like n. hampshire which is a big blow.

its 81 to 39 for obama (84 to 27 from other sources)

either way mccain looks dead now but we will have to wait and see

yup 103 to 54 now for obama, dems look set to win - half way there now

im my view mccain would have done better without palin

dems are also doing well in the senate and house elections, close to controlling the senate. If they take both, does obama get a lot more control?

can someone explain this to me by the way? whats the difference, what do they do? etc...

Yeah, Sen Dole went down in flames from hell; her last couple of ads were so sad, I am surprised she got any votes at all. I have not seen too many other results.

I voted and I am in gmt+8 - how is the Beeb coverage?

The senate and house are something like UK's House of Lords and House of Commons. Each state has two Senators in the Senate. The number of people in the House depends on population of the states. All bills (or laws) must be approved by both the Senate and the House before it can be signed by the President.

207 to 135

mccain is still losing, obama needs 270 to win

Eh. It's over.


207 to 141

mccain has lost. they are gonna make speeches soon

heh,heh -- I wish I had found 23/6 months ago - this is just so real.

Obama makes me angry.
Hope he doesn't screw this country up.

Oh well!

What I hope is that no one tries to assassinate Obama before he gets his game on. They have already stopped 2 different groups with high-powered, scoped rifles - the Secret Service only has to miss one to cause disaster.

Assassination... that's kinda scary.

Yes, it is why I won't feel very good about the election until inauguration day.
Speaking of which, I have heard that there might be a movement to make inauguration day January 1st - why let 2 weeks go by with no president (so to speak). What do you think?

yup i hope obama dont become a JFK

Obama makes me angry.
Hope he doesn't screw this country up.

Oh well!

It would be very hard to screw it up any worse than Bush.

commented: Definitely. +13

Assassination... that's kinda scary.

Judging from all the folks shouting "Kill Obama" at the Palin rallies, it is more than just scary!

elections are retarded

It would be very hard to screw it up any worse than Bush.

Sure. But I'm just waiting to see if media's superman will miraculously "fix" all of America's problems.

Yes, it is why I won't feel very good about the election until inauguration day.
Speaking of which, I have heard that there might be a movement to make inauguration day January 1st - why let 2 weeks go by with no president (so to speak). What do you think?

What two weeks without a president are you referring to?

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