MrScruff 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hello Everybody!

Congratulations to Sam Starling and Hell Child who are the finalists of the blackdrop music quiz! They have blasted through three knock out rounds to reach the final to pit their musical genius against each other and here comes the twist...

I need your help!

To make the last round extra tough and evil (sorry guys) I need a diverse range of questions and I reckon that the best place to get them from is you!

If you can be arsed PM me with a couple of questions (and answers) about artists or music you love plus your name and a link or tagline.
I'll compile the questions after a week and send them to the finalists. (finalists your not allowed to submit questions yer cheeky monkeys!)

I will be also chucking some extra tough cryptic bitch clues in there. I have a feeling Sam and Hell Child are going to hate me...

But only one of them can be crowned blackdrop musical genius and win lots of lovely prizes *checks pockets - half a mars bar, some loose change and a bit of fluff* well music vouchers and the right to use 'mg' after their name!

Ok look forward to your questions!

ta ta Steve @