Hi I'm FJ new to Blogging it has taken a bit of time since I am about to his the big 70.
Somebody may be able to help me with a problem on a Compaq laptop Presario 2500 that will not look at the floppy drive or the Cd ROM since its hard disk dramatically crashed so I cannot load anything onto it -- any clues?

Go into the BIOS Setup (you have to hit F1 or Del or something when it starts up) and change the boot order so that the Floppy/CD is at the top of the list. Remember to SAVE and Exit.

When it restarts it should now try and boot off tbhose devices.

Welcome aboard!

Go into the BIOS Setup (you have to hit F1 or Del or something when it starts up) and change the boot order so that the Floppy/CD is at the top of the list. Remember to SAVE and Exit.

When it restarts it should now try and boot off tbhose devices.

I have done all of that before. Including trying a service CD that will boot on just about anything but it still will not pick up the CD Drive. I copied the OS of another system onto an HDD and put it into the computer it will boot to the Windows XP logo only. I expected that, but it does tell me that it will go past the CMOS and to the Hdd I suspect the Mother board as of being faulty but am not sure if Compaq has a unique code to pick up the drives or should I be able to load an OEM copy of Win XP Home, what do you think?

Maybe your CD drive isnt botable. Is it old?

If theres something that says "hit f12 to choose boot device" or something then try that too

It is a Presario 2500 (should have told you that before Sorry) The CD is a RW so that should not be a problem. To make matters worse I used drive image XML to copy a drive and clone it and I think it has wiped out one of my spare 40gig HDD's so it is out of the computer for good and back to Ghost.
I have selected both the floppy and CD on different tests but it just does not see them.

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