Just from looking at these threaded discussions I feel rather non-descript. I am a late-bloomer to the computer scene. After raising all my children I now am back in school there is so much I know and so much to learn. Right now I am working towards my CIS degree at Strayer University. But when I'm not doing homework or trying to teach myself stuff on the computer, I love to crank up the rock-n-roll.(adult alternative that is u know KORN AUDOIslave etc...)I joined this forum looking for answers to some pseudocode problems and so far I love it!! pretty soon I might be helping someone with there questions, Thanks u guys

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Hi rksinfla

Welcome to Daniweb.

Welcome to DaniWeb, glad youve found us to be helpful so far, long may it continue. Keep cranking up the rock music :)

Hi rksinfla
I am a student also and new to the computer world myself after waiting for my children to grow up to go back to school. I am in my third year seeking my BSIT-MVC. I have never undertaken something this hard before but it is soo facinating.
I have had a few twist through my schooling like my first try at writing code in C++ I worte Pseudo Code instead. (Your comment on writing Pseudo Code and the problems you were having made me think of that)
I hear it gets easier as we go but time will tell I guess, and not being of the generation that grew up with computers will add its own challenges. (My first college class I didn't even know what Microsoft Word was so how bad is that!

Thank You for the warm welcome. I am currently in my second year and have not even gotten to the c++ part or java script, visual basic any of that, but one thing I did know what MS word was when I started going to class. So thank you for the smile on my face too

I can laugh about it now at not having known Microsoft word, but at the time the frustration I felt was unbelievable. When I told the instructor I didn't know how to do anything in Microsoft word (I don't think she believed me), her comeback was " OK, There are some fine microsoft tutorials. Go do a web search and you will find everything you need." Ok sounded good to me however I had another problem. WHat was a Web Search? By then I was in tears and wondering what the heck I was doing was this even worth it? I called my Academic Counselor and she sent me every thing I needed to get up to par with what I needed to do. THings are better now I am very glad to say LOL

Thank You for the warm welcome. I am currently in my second year and have not even gotten to the c++ part or java script, visual basic any of that, but one thing I did know what MS word was when I started going to class. So thank you for the smile on my face too

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