Hi, I'm Eric. Just checking in here. I'm a systems administrator working mainly with Linux and Solaris, along with a focus on storage--I've deployed and currently manage the SANs and some NAS units at my work.

Special skills include shell scripting (ok I am no true 'expert' but I can think my way through a lot of tasks using bash/awk/sed/grep/etc. :D ) and troubleshooting (I'm sometimes the "last resort go-to guy" for linux problems)

I found this forum when I did a random search for a mysql-related question (innodb vs. mysql, performance profile). I'm amazed I hadn't heard about it before because this place looks huge!

Anyway, that's me. Ask anything you want :)

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I have a tutorial on setting up a debian linux LAMP server around here somewhere, if you are intrerested.

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