Hi. Some people might remember a post made a long time ago, which contained a link to one of this set of irritating games. Well, as you can see they're still there (plus a few more) and just as irritating as ever. But, what you might have missed the first time is the strange story of the games' creator Kek and Virginie. You might find it worth a read.


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irritating?.. :-O


ahihihi - if you want to rack up a lot of posts with no effort - please go play posting games. Not complaining mind you just saying....

commented: Well said +12

>Some people might remember
Might remember?! you got me hooked on those games for weeks :icon_eek:

And, a nice story :icon_surprised: Took a while to read though.

ahihihi - if you want to rack up a lot of posts with no effort - please go play posting games. Not complaining mind you just saying....

okay. thanks for informing me.

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