Nintendo patents bouncy cushion controller

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I love a good patent story, I love my Nintendo Wii and I love bouncy cushions. However, it is a rare thing to be able to write a news story which covers all three. Yet it would appear that Nintendo has, indeed, filed a European patent for a bouncy cushion for the Wii. The actual patent refers to an inflatable air cushion or other seat, and comes complete with a special pocket for your Wii Remote in order to detect your movements and a Nunchuk can be used as reins. Did I mention that this particular bouncy cushion doubles up as a horseback riding or vehicle driving simulation device? Actually, it seems the bouncy cushion can be many different things as the patent also talks of using the Nunchuk as a lasso, sword or even for raising a balance hand in bucking bronco or bull riding. I quite like the bit where Nintendo talks about the cushion simulating elephants or dolphins, or how about dragons and giant eagles. You've got to love the imagination of these guys. There's even talk of it being a magic carpet controller...