sign language?

Very good guess, ;) but no.

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Hmm this one is tuf.

An echo (heard this one before) :cool:

An echo (heard this one before) :cool:

Aha! my theory was right... :p

Yes. Go.

What odd number becomes even when beheaded?


7 (s-even)

Time up -- new riddle. :)

~The beginning of eternity,
The end of time and space,
The beginning of every end,
And the end of every place.

What is it?

This is easy.
The letter E.

commented: the letter "E" +4


Just kidding-- your turn. :)

New Riddle:

As I went across the bridge, I met a man with a load of wood which was neither straight nor crooked. What kind of wood was it?

mulched! :P

I know this one... sawdust!!

Correct ;)

Next --->

A man was forn in 1950 yet he is only 18 years old. How is that possible?

The year is 1968.

The year is 1968.

No -- he was 18 years old in 2007.

The Theory of Relativity; he aged significantly less while approaching the speed of light, whereas those on earth aged at a normal rate?

Anyone that was forn would be dead... He died in 1968. (or he knows a good worm-hole)

Oh. :surprised That makes sense. I tend to complicate things a bit. No time travel required. :sad:;)


Anyone that was forn would be dead... He died in 1968. (or he knows a good worm-hole)

Oops! typo -- should have been born. But anyway he is still alive and well. Probably a student that asks questions on DaniWeb:mrgreen:

Hint: you will find the answer to this riddle in the movie "The Honnymooners"

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Born on february leap year?

Born on february leap year?

No. try thinking outside the box.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Er he was born in apparment number 1950 on 25th street or summat silly like that?

time for a new riddle.

I agree ^.^

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I agree ^.^

Go on then Chrissy, your turn.

I am the ruler of shovels, I have a double, I am as thin as a knife, and I have a wife. What am I?

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