"Hey! Look Up!"

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Ever wanted to see the International Space Station but didn't know when or how to look?

There's an app (Twitter) for that.

Start following @twisst and using the information in your profile, it will let you know when the International Space Station is scheduled to pass by you.

"So, every time the International Space Station is coming, Twisst sends the follower an alert throught Twitter," the website said. "It announces when ISS will pass, at the user's local time. Also Twisst tells whether it is a remarkable nice one or not - so how bright and how high the space station will be on that pass."

(The @twisst guys are from the Netherlands and some of the phrasing is a little odd. But it's better than my Dutch.)

The application doesn't yet use the recently announced Twitter geocoding feature, partly because the application predates the feature and partly because the majority of users have the geocoding feature turned off, a company representative said.

"ISS will cross the sky at your location at [time]! more details: http://twisst.nl/17460" is reportedly the message.

Unfortunately, I have to say reportedly, because although my local news showed the ISS passing overhead in my area last night -- they had film and everything -- @twisst didn't tell me. However, it's supposed to go by again tomorrow, so I'm willing to give it another chance.

@twisst currently has nearly 25,000 followers.