Xian_WM 0 Newbie Poster

I'm new to this forum (and relatively new to SEO for that matter), but I've been reading through some of these threads and have a question regarding keyword analysis.

I work for a relatively small online niche retailer, and we've only recently (in the past 6 months) started implementing an SEO strategy. We are currently in the process of a site redesign through an outside SEO developer. Their representative says he uses Wordtracker, Keyword Discovery, and a few other tools (he won't divulge what) to analyze and generate keywords for our headers, meta tags, etc.

My company currently subscribes to Wordtracker. As I continue to learn what Wordtracker can and can't do, I've found myself wondering if I might be better off with Keyword Discovery. In a perfect world I would use both, or more, but we're extremely limited on time and, to be honest, money. Eight people work for my company and only two are involved in site management, and the bulk of our SEO research falls to me.

Do any of you folks have any recommendations for which of the two programs (or any software) would be better for keyword research? I have to balance my time and limited resources against our push to create great original and customer-driven content. We don't want to go too wrapped up in keyword analysis, but we don't feel we can ignore it either. Any thoughts would be appreciated (and sorry this post is so long). Thanks!