hi can any one tel me how to get good back links ......in google



Man, I hate posts like this. I read the title and clicked in because I thought you were going to tell us how to get some quick backlinks, but instead you are asking us.

Just read like every other post in here.

sorry to say DansMuayThaiMMA i am new to this forum ...

Man, I hate posts like this. I read the title and clicked in because I thought you were going to tell us how to get some quick backlinks, but instead you are asking us.

Just read like every other post in here.

There are many articles floating over the web about how to get good backlinks? Try to find them?

thanks you so much if u have any url pls share with me.....

There are many articles floating over the web about how to get good backlinks? Try to find them?

As already noted, you can find more articles than you probably want on this topic. In the end, they all pretty much say the same thing when it comes to link building. Directories, Blog Posts, Forum Signatures, Reciprocal, Articles, Paid links, etc.

The key in link building is to make it seem natural.

hi can any one tel me how to get good back links ......in google



Search the forum and you will get your answer. Search in google and you will get your answer.

Else Simply go to your Daniwebs CP and attach a signature, and that will work as your answer.


Since you aplogized I'll give you a tip. Add your website link to your signature. You will already have 7 more backlinks now (that's the amount of posts you made)


You can get backlinks by answering on Yahoo! Answers. Because of Yahoo! Answers made by Yahoo! - your answer with backlink will be loved by search engines. Y! Answers ranked highly enough on low-competitive keywords and this is a gold mine for you =). In addition, Yahoo! Answers daily passes a huge amount of traffic, you should put a good answer...

As already noted, you can find more articles than you probably want on this topic. In the end, they all pretty much say the same thing when it comes to link building. Directories, Blog Posts, Forum Signatures, Reciprocal, Articles, Paid links, etc.

The key in link building is to make it seem natural.

yeep actually peopel are asking what in new in SEO world whilt the answer is all the same
but to do each one well enough is very difficult

Google backlinks is a difficult thing. It does not reflect the position of your website. It does not show the backlinks below PR4.
To have quality links, have your articles written and submit to article websites that are above PR4.
Build Links from forums and blogs that have high page rank. Remember to check whether the forum uses no follow tag.
Find directories with no follow tag.

Google backlinks is a difficult thing. It does not reflect the position of your website. It does not show the backlinks below PR4.
To have quality links, have your articles written and submit to article websites that are above PR4.
Build Links from forums and blogs that have high page rank. Remember to check whether the forum uses no follow tag.
Find directories with no follow tag.

Thanks for the tip man. I didn't realize that Google only showed sites PR4 and over. That's good to know.

Also, do you mean to find directories with the DO FOLLOW tag?

my top 3 ways to get good backlinks are the followings; of course writing and submitting articles for me still the most effective in getting those good backlinks, second is that leaving comments to other people's blog with a backlinks pointing back to your site same as forum comments with your site as signature, then lastly is that by answering people's questions on Yahoo Answers and having your site link on your answers.

Thanks for the tip man. I didn't realize that Google only showed sites PR4 and over. That's good to know.

Also, do you mean to find directories with the DO FOLLOW tag?

Well it is from experience. Well there are are websites like followtopia.com that shows with the results about the status of the websites.. do follow or no follow.

It does not show the backlinks below PR4.

Funny thing is I can check backlinks in GWT for any amount of the sites I work with and find all kinds of backlinks below PR4. I've seen that statement before and it's no more true now than it ever was. The Google link command shows only a portion of the links it knows about. GWT shows more but IMO still not all of them.

To have quality links, have your articles written and submit to article websites that are above PR4.

It's the page your link is on that will give you any PR passed to your page. The only advantage from getting links somewhere in a site that has a higher PR is that it will probably be spidered more often, making it more likely that your link will be found by the spider. Additionally, a higher PR page does not necessarily mean that any given link on that page is considered "quality". I would much rather have my link on a PR1 page that is relevant to my site than a PR4 link that is not relevant.

IMHO, linking to authority sites which is highly related to your site can bring you best links.

To succeed in getting quality backlinks , it is important to bear in mind that content is king and relevance is queen.

Best wishes! ^^

Article submission, blog commenting, forum posting and directory submission are the best way to get back links but always works on do follow sites that have high PR.

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