Antonbomb22 36 Junior Poster in Training

Yahoo! today unveiled its new content relevance technology used in their new service Y!Q which delivers search results based on the content of the page. Yahoo! plans to use this technology in its soon to be released publisher/advertising service. The service will rival the popular Google Adsense. The Y!Q is still in beta and requires further testing before a gold version is available. The related searches seems to include all the features of a Yahoo! search including shortcuts and 3 web results. the results are displayed via javascript which creates a draggable search window. webmasters interested in incorporating this beta service should click here.

To promote the new technology Yahoo! has kicked off a contest for webmasters, bloggers, etc. who want to try the new technology and get something in return. The grand prize is $5,000. The contest is judged on how well the Y!Q is intergrated, placed, usefulness, relevance, and prominence. You must be 18+ to participate and have the Y!Q on your site by June 16th. For more info click here.