Please share your knowlege about SMO that What is the best techniqes of SMO.

First you have to learn the basics of social networking sites like twitter,face book and then search Google there is lot of free tutorials available make use of it.

SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. It plays a big role to get high rank of your website in search engines. create backlinks, blog posting, post or add links, add photos and videos, social book marking and more on social media websites are general activities of SMO. We should use more keywords in SMO activities, it helps to get traffic on our website.


In my own experiences, SMO would help our sites on:
1. social networking sites would help our sites in traffic purpose
2. social bookmarking sites would be not only helpful on backlinking purpose(really helpful in increasing link popularity) but also traffic purpose.

all the best,

The first thing in any SEO project is the website analysis. You have to analyze where your website already stands. You have to know how much traffic your website is gathering from various sources. You can gather this information from the statistic modules in your website hosting panel. Alternatively, you can go for Google webmaster tools to monitor your website and get the traffic related information. Most of the SEO industry experts also use this tool to analyze the website.

SMO is the cheapest way to getting backlinks i think, but it need more work then other methods.

I think it would be first step creating a page for your site and promote your services or articles on here.

we have to observe basic functionality for all social media web site. Each site having different method to promote our service or product,keep watching and implementing our promotion plan will be really useful.

SMO is good method of promote your website. There are many good online source available for how to use social networking site.

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