
You have done such a good job from moving this site from few users online to hundreds. Can you explain how you went about doing this?

Please share with us some of the things you learned along the way. It would really help us newbies out.

Thank You

Hey there. Thanks :) First thing I did to get this site going was make sure that allll questions were answered. Gets people coming back and telling people ;) Now that I made my visitors happy, I had to make the search engines happy. I did that by using mod_rewrite to rename all pages to have .html extensions. After a bit of time and a few link partners, that brought my Google PR up to 7 (it is at 6 now though due to a lack of having time to find link partners.) With a google PR of 7, it brought my tech support forums skyrocketing because at the time, they were the most popular and at the top of the forum index page. I've since moved them farther down to let my programming forums share some glory. So now they're starting to improve too ........ but not nearly as much as that boost that a PR7 gave :) Hmm ... ask more specific questions and I'll answer ya!

Thanks for the information dani. You sure do reply quickly. Well I hope you get a PR7. I like daniweb and the more people the better it gets.

Do you have any link building advice? How has that fared for you so far? Are you running into any obstacles? What about purchasing links? Is that google friendly?


I did that by using mod_rewrite to rename all pages to have .html extensions.

Cool... but how does this raise search engine efficiency? I'm not challenging you or anything I'm just curious because my site will be up soon and I too would like ot know about website promotion.... and what's PR?

Yes, I relpy very quickly when you IM me on AIM saying "I posted!" ;) I am really hoping for a PR7 this coming month. My lack of effort in finding link partners (and keeping them) is what brought us down. I have spent this past month finding a bunch new ones, so I am really hoping that will help us.

I try to stick with link swaps with PR4+ pages. Aside from that, I try to avoid direct page<-->page swaps that google can directly identify as a "link swap". I focus more on where I link to one of their pages and they link to a different page on my site. Anything that involves 3+ pages or forms a link triangle type thing, to spread the PR around. I have heard that google has caught onto direct link swaps and is starting to neglect them in terms of PR value.

Cool... but how does this raise search engine efficiency? I'm not challenging you or anything I'm just curious because my site will be up soon and I too would like ot know about website promotion.... and what's PR?

Slade what type of site are you launching? Do you have any previews?

Thank You

PR is google pagerank algorithm. It's explained in a few other threads. But the general gist is that google ranks pages based on how many other pages link to the page. The idea is that if a lot of other sites link to a particular page, that page must be pretty important or have pretty good info. Therefore, the goal is to get people to link to you. The higher the pagerank you have, the better you're listed on google.

Google and other search engines also don't like URLs with query strings. While many of the modern day engines are able to correctly decipher query strings, they are an indication of a dynamic site. Often spiders get stuck in infinite loops trying to hop around dynamic sites which seem to have infinite pages of content. Therefore, they don't rank as highly on google. By rewriting my pages with an .html extension, it "fools" google into thinking that my pages are static. Therefore, they get the same recognition as static .html pages - which means more pages of mine are crawled.

Slade what type of site are you launching? Do you have any previews?

Thank You

I am designing an asp .net with vb .net code behind website. It's just a personal page where me and my friends ramble. There will be forums on there (asp .net ones that are still in beta testing) that I am personally going to redesign after I have them actually working heh;). The site basically revolves around our blogs or posts or whatever. www.maddox.xmission.com, I hope to be a fraction as great as maddox. These are all funny people (minues me, I'm just the programmer) so expect a funny site. Some of my work includes www.goldenwest.org.au and other um, unmentionables :) nah actually alot of my work is internal to my organization so thats pretty much all you will see out of me. Anyways, I think I've blabbed enough about my greatness.

By rewriting my pages with an .html extension, it "fools" google into thinking that my pages are static. Therefore, they get the same recognition as static .html pages

Thats pretty sweet, how do you do it. I'm linking to this site anyway, It's a wonderful community with a low violence rating.

Thanks so much :) If you have any future website promotion questions, feel free to start new threads - and lots of 'em! I'm really trying to get these semi-new forums off the ground.

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