I work as a tech for a School District. One of our schools is doing a live broadcast three times a week. Over CABLE to classroom TVs. Can anyone give me some advice about being able to do a live feed over our network? I would really love to solve this issue for them, via something that is current technology.

Small world. I've done some commercial designs in analog, digital CCTV and well, more. But to solve this we need to know more about the existing "plant". For example how do they use this today to send content to the rooms?

It's it's some old CCTV cable system most had an external input jack for composite video and audio, some wanted it on channel 3 or 4 which you find an old camcoder with video out or a camera if you must then wire it up. If it needs channel 3 or 4 look up the TecNec 203-101
RF Modulator, F/Channels 3-4 (20 bucks.)

As you can imagine there are no computers involved in those old systems. I find folk new to this taken aback how it was done back then.

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