I am using an image on a background with the same color as the image. The image border is turned off but I still see a line where the colors should mesh seamlessly.
Just a little background, I am a first year CS student and have only taken an introductory class to HTML. I am trying to build a website using frames for my fiance. The navigation page is what I am working on which will have her logo from a business card image.

            Greta Conrad

  <body bgcolor = "#1f1a17">
      <table align = "center">
               <img border = "" alt = "Greta Conrad - Home" src = "businessimages/gc_front.jpg">
               <img src = "futon2.jpg"><br />
               <img src = "futon3.jpg">


<img style="border: 0px;" src="url" />

use the style ability within most tags and use the CSS call to get rid of borders. if it still isn't working... .delete IE download firefox and try again on a real browser.
Thank you.

above code is correct,
i am helping one more option for not this problem what is that means please take one image in only one TD and also give your background color in style properties

check this code

         Greta Conrad
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body {
	background-color: #1f1a17;
      <table align = "center">
            <td> <img alt = "Greta Conrad - Home" src = "businessimages/gc_front.jpg" STYLE="border: 0px;"></TD>
              <TD><img src = "futon2.jpg" STYLE="border: 0px;"></TD>
			  <TD><img src = "futon3.jpg" STYLE="border: 0px;"></TD> 


Thank you for your time Sreekanth. I was able to use my css to table(background-color: #1f1a17 to blend away the left and right vertical lines but the top and bottom horizontal lines are still there. I could make it work but I know there has to be a way to blend away those lines. Is there a style for the 3D background color? I am not good at css so please spell out the code for me.
And I am running firefox 3 and have been running firefox for years.
On a side note, changing your browser is not going to fix the problem for those IE users. I did not care for DGstudios reply about browsers. I feel your code should work for all types of browsers and devices because today's audience is using all types of browsers and devices.

if you want 3d Background then you will design in Photoshop using with filters and add as a background with using css ...

Would you please show me the code to accomplish this is css. I understand the background image concept and love the idea but I don't know css except how to link them and a couple basic attributes. Will the image auto size to fit each frame?

	background-image: background url; /*give your location of the image background*/
	background-repeat:no-repeat; /*if you want repeat then instead of no-repeat put repeat*/
	border:0 px;  /*give the border size*/

post this code between head tag in Style tag

Just my own little note in my defense.

My joke was not about IE in general as it runs pretty much as well as the other bowsers as far as CSS. However the Javascript and CSS support in IE7 is terrible and as such things that work in previous versions of IE and are standard W3C compliant css and JS do not work in IE7.

I too believe in universal compatibility there are sometimes when it is not possible however, as CSS and JS are both handled differently by each browser. You can do browser detection for it, however, IE7 is a whole new monster that even by Microsofts own admission FAILED when it comes to CSS and JS rendering and execution.

My statement was simply a joke based on that.

if you want your site to be seamless try using css to set your tables rather than use frames.
Frames are a thing of the past and most people today dont like them because most new web developers dont know how to render it properly to allow the user to break out of the frame.

I had this happen several years ago.

It turned out that the photo processing company had placed white edges on the digital files. This happened because my camera exposed the negatives in an area slightly undersized, compared to their scanner. I had to use a photo editor to crop the photo.

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