i have created my own site, but need some help to host it it contains flash object, and i aslo want to know were to see beautiful logos and icons to add on my site.

Flash is client-side, which means that you don't need support for a server-side language or database such as PHP or MySQL. I would check out the DaniWeb web hosting forum and see if you could find a decent shared hosting provider - it will probably run you anywhere from $5 to $25, depending upon your specific needs and the amount of traffic your site receives.

I host all my stuff with www.page-zone.com. I've had sites with them for several years and I think they do a good service. Plus its only about 4.95/month.

Are you newbie, if so we need to get you a domain and show you how to get started with all this.


I just built a site and I need help from other web designer on how I can Improve on the site maybe if there is anything I can do to increase my traffic.the site is at www.dpro.qn.com. i intend to provide free web services to my visitors. need help urgently.

I just built a site and I need help from other web designer on how I can Improve on the site maybe if there is anything I can do to increase my traffic.the site is at www.dpro.qn.com. i intend to provide free web services to my visitors. need help urgently.

Zlimjo --

No offense but I'm trying to figure out what services you actually provide... if I went to this website as a paying customer, I would probably be turned off pretty quickly.

First of all - do you want to offer everything (or a lot of things) free? Free has no value in the minds of consumers. If I know someone is doing something for free for me, I don't have confidence that they're putting in a decent effort. On the other hand if I pay a fair amount for a service, I expect good results.

Each of the pages of your website go to some other page that looks entirely different - most of them look like an entirely different company. If you're advertising services to help create "solid, consistent powerhouses" - you're going to want your site to be the first example of that - and I don't think it is right now. Pages need to be consistent with look, feel, style, content, etc.

I guess I just don't get a really good feel for what you're trying to do with this site.

Good luck,

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