Hello everyone! I'm having a problem about creating different kinds of styles and arrangements of navigation menu in creating a real website. Using Adobe Photoshop, creating a website will become much more stylish... so I would like to receive suggestions of different arrangements of navigation menus from different web professionals and non-professionals (but creative) out here in DaniWeb.

I bet there are many ways how to create a navigation menu but nothing comes out in my dumb mind...:'( , so please help me, I beg you...:'(

Hello everyone! I'm having a problem about creating different kinds of styles and arrangements of navigation menu in creating a real website. Using Adobe Photoshop, creating a website will become much more stylish...

Using PhotoShop may help you create a more stylish design (whatever that is), but it will not help you create a better web site.

To do that, you need to translate the PS image into HTML and CSS.

Sometimes, using PS results in a horrible web site because it makes the coder try to do things that are not possible on a web page.

so I would like to receive suggestions of different arrangements of navigation menus from different web professionals and non-professionals (but creative) out here in DaniWeb.

I bet there are many ways how to create a navigation menu but nothing comes out in my dumb mind...:'( , so please help me, I beg you...:'(

Browse the web; you will find many examples.

yeah... But still, there is no doubt that every web developer uses the Adobe Photoshop's capabilities even the pages here in daniweb is filled with Adobe Photoshop's yields.

I can exactly search through the internet because I've been doing that for a long time but every people here in daniweb has unique answers so that's why I've been trying to find answers here instead of searching through the internet. Nevertheless, thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it, 'hope I could get direct answers soon from the professionals and non-professionals, 'really thank you...

Perhaps you are getting confused... what exactly are you trying to do?

"Cool" is subjective. What is "cool" to one person is "yuuukkk" to another.

You should try some tutorials for photoshop to get some ideas and then start building your own.

As for ideas.... i have loads.... but they're mine! ;) What ever you do keep it simple otherwise it will look rubbish, there is a style at the moment of creating things that look like paper etc. You could have a go at that.

yeah... But still, there is no doubt that every web developer uses the Adobe Photoshop's capabilities even the pages here in daniweb is filled with Adobe Photoshop's yields.

Many web developers do not use PhotoShop. Many do not even use computers on which PhotoShop will run.

I could use gimp instead of PhotoShop, but I don't. I write my pages in HTML with a text editor.

Every web developer uses something that does the same or similar to photoshop, unless they are designing a purely text base website.

cfajohnson: i presume you have no good quality images on your website then? or none that you have made yourself atleast.

Every web developer uses something that does the same or similar to photoshop, unless they are designing a purely text base website.

Not true. I know of many who don't. I'm one.

Many of those who use PhotoShop use it for manipulating images, not for designing a page.

cfajohnson: i presume you have no good quality images on your website then? or none that you have made yourself atleast.

I use many images on my sites. Many of them I have created myself, either with a digital camera, screen capture, the GIMP or, quite often, written in PostScript in a text editor.

Every web developer uses something that does the same or similar to photoshop, unless they are designing a purely text base website.

I don't.

I use notepad to write the code, a digital camera for images, and either Corel Photo-Paint or mspaint to create the graphics.

I use notepad to write the code, a digital camera for images, and either Corel Photo-Paint or mspaint to create the graphics.

I wasn't saying everyone has Photoshop, but something similar, like paint shop pro, corel photo-paint, fireworks, GIMP etc etc. Or even Paint but i would be really interested to see some good interface graphics you have created with Paint.

Aaah... I see the same people active at the accessibility thing and art(not) thing again. :p

I think vander...something's original question was how to design navigation using photoshop. He meant to use that navigation for his site. He didn't exactly say he'd make the entire site from photoshop and cut the images and be a tables-based site with no alt tags *shudders*, right?

For vandergezen (eh, sorry about the name), you can follow the tutorial marathon at talkmania if only to get ideas on color-schemes and different layout/site interface.

If you're just looking for inspiration, you can subscribe to smashingmagazine's RSS feed. I actually visit the design showcase archive regularly. They feature things from effective favicons, innovative blog layouts, minimalist designs (probably the only thing in my post midimagic will approve :p), and web form design (among others).

So have at it! Quick! I shall hold these raving graphics fans and non-fans at bay while you read those articles!

Aaah... I see the same people active at the accessibility thing and art(not) thing again.

So have at it! Quick! I shall hold these raving graphics fans and non-fans at bay while you read those articles!

haha. lol yeh well, whatever! I can't seem to get past it.

Try this: http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorials/Photoshop/1 it has always helped me. And have a look at my site as well: www.photoshopthis.co.uk There is a navigation bar on there. Not really up to the modern touch but it will give you some ideas and photoshop concepts i'm sure.

Just so you know vandenzergen more people are moving away from graphic intensive designing and concentrating on very clean elements (like this site does) as well as trying to minimize the bandwidth used by the user.

Sorry for going off topic so much!

haha. lol yeh well, whatever! I can't seem to get past it.

Myself included. ccube, midimagic, roryt, and me are probably the most active people when the 'discussion' is about intense graphics vs accessibility standards.

(Sorry for hi-jacking your thread vandenzergen --- finally got his name right)

creating a menu from photoshop is not a good idea or i want say it's really not good for web design because photoshop is completely deals in photo's only so if you design a menu from photoshop then it is completely image based and it takes time to load on a web page on user side so it's not a good think

so here if you want to design a good web site then you should use css,java script and ajax for designing a dynamic menu.

but if you wish to create a menu from photoshop the not a problem you can easily do it for doing this first of all design a background image or you can say a base image for your menu than design some other images if you wants to put them on different parts of your menu but pls consider on think that the size of images not big you should deals only in few Kb otherwise it a great problem and after designing images use you css skills to construct a menu.

i think it might be help to you
-PC(adding more binaries to life)

Thank you everyone, all of you are really helping me out. But I hope I could find as many answers as I can in the future from all of you. All of you are great! I really thanked you...

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