Aaron Robinson 0 Newbie Poster

I have a problem that occurs in Firefox and probably IE when the right plugins are installed (However, tested only in Firefox). My website uses jquery loads to change content on the page. One set of content contains an iframe that is displaying a pdf. If you have plugins to view pdfs in the browser, the pdf should appear in that section of the page.

website: http://linus.highpoint.edu/~arobinson/

This bug is me being very picky. If I go to my website and view a scrollable content like "fractals", my mouse scroll works. Now next go to either of the pdfs in the "My Bio" drop down. If the pdf opens in the iframe, the mouse should now scroll the pdf. Now if you return to "fractals", the mouse no longer controls the scrollbar.

Currently, I only know that if I change the tab and come back the scroll works again. I think I need to make something "active" again but how?
