here's my navigation :

<img src="nav.jpg" width="200" height="442" border="0" usemap="#Map">
<map name="Map">
<area shape="rect" coords="4,368,148,401" href="content.html" target="1Frame" id="Home" >
<area shape="rect" coords="-1,300,153,343" href="brands.html" target="1Frame" id="brands" >
<area shape="rect" coords="-22,235,153,279" href="feedback.html" target="1Frame" id="oldtoys">
<area shape="rect" coords="-16,173,147,218" href="about.html" target="1Frame" id="moderntoys">
<area shape="rect" coords="-26,111,153,153" href="gallery" target="1Frame" id="gallery">

here's my Iframe:
<iframe name="1frame" scrolling="no" id="1frame" src="content.html" width="850px" height="380px" frameborder="0"> your browser does not support Iframes</iframe>

The iframe content.html shows when i load my index page, but when i use my navigation the new content in the iframe doesn't show up.
can anyone help pease?

The id is case-sensitive.

<area shape="rect" coords="4,368,148,401" href="content.html" target="1Frame" id="Home" >


<iframe name="1frame" scrolling="no" id="1frame" src="content.html" width="850px" height="380px" frameborder="0"> your browser does not support Iframes</iframe>

should be:

<area shape="rect" coords="4,368,148,401" href="content.html" target="1frame" id="Home" >

as with all your target=

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