I want to start web designing and development so please GREAT GOOD PEOPLE in here please come to my aid for me to be Great just like the way u are, so what are the first step(s) to get me on?
Counting on you all in here and i believe i will never be let down

There are TONS of FREE online tutorials and walkthroughs for learning web design and html/css coding. Work through them and practice! Built your own site and upload it to a free hosting site so you can play around with the code and learn.

Thats how all good coders get good, practice and trial and error.

There are TONS of FREE online tutorials and walkthroughs for learning web design and html/css coding. Work through them and practice! Built your own site and upload it to a free hosting site so you can play around with the code and learn.

Thats how all good coders get good, practice and trial and error.

Thanks so much teedoff, please can you give me few examples of such, where i can get on with ease

http://www.w3schools.com will be the best tutorial for web developers

Yes it is a good place to begin learning, and I suggested it as well. But just for the record, w3schools unfortunately is filled with outdated and sometimes even inaccurate information and lessons. So if you're just beginning to learn its fine, but be careful of some of the content there and know that some things they teach you there could be wrong. There was a web site that addresses this..I believe it was http://w3fools.com/

you can use free html editing programs that are easy to use such as Kompozer which is a free program very comparable to the expensive "Dreamweaver" Download the program and play around with it. Make sure to use tables. You can also see a lot of really good step by step tutorials at www.tutvid.com

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