I know how annoyingly simple minded (and redundant) this question will be. Sorry.

This is the crude, Geocities do-it-yourself website I'm building:


The site is focused on Spanish-English translation, and is a All I'd like to do is have the 20-something flags of the countries where Spanish is spoken across the home page every few seconds. I'd like to do this as simply as possible, both for myself and for potential site visitors.

I have Dreamweaver/Fireworks 4/Director 8.5 and Flash 5 and Adobe Photoshop 6, but am trying to do some very simple. All I want to do is replace the "under construction" placeholder on the site below with "scrolling images".

When I'm in Dreamweaver, I see an "Insert/Interactive Images" menu/submenu. I'd like to know whether this is a "Fireworks HTML" thing or something much simpler.

Can you help?


I take it you got this figured out? ;)


Just animated the flag .gifs in Fireworks 4 then stored the image on my home page using Dreamweaver. Don't know how it looks, but it works well!



I take it you got this figured out? ;)


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