i have a tabbed menu with the following tabs:

<ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Island A</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="1">Island B</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="2">Island C</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="3">Island D</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="4">Island E</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="5">Island F</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="6">Island G</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="7">Island H</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="8">Island J</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="9">Island K</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="10">Island l</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="11">Island M</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="12">Island N</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="13">Island P</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="14">Island Q</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="15">Island R</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="16">Island S</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="17">Reclaim 11</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="18">Reclaim 2</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="19">Reclaim 1</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="20">Load Quay North</li>
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="21">Load Quay South</li>

As there are so many they do not all fit on one line, so it drops over 2 lines which is fine, but i would like if a tab on the top line was clicked, even though the css changes the colour of the selected tab how can i make it so it blends the selected tab with the tab content section. its fine for all tabs on the bottom row was the tab content section colour is the same as the selected tab colour, but just looks a bit silly with the ones in the top row?

I think you could achieve the effect with CSS. I was wondering if you have had a chance to look at this document by adobe. I think it would be helpful in your case.

//Insert clever quote here on reinventing the wheel.

my suggestion: just download the css from superfish and use it. Quite complete and customizable. Moreover, it is compatible to most of the browser even back to IE6.

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