Please advise on the handhelds that has support for Internet Explorer 5.0.

Our company has Akeni corporate IM server installed and its web client. In order for a device to access the server, it required IE 5 or higher browsser.

Thank you for any recommendations

Please advise on the handhelds that has support for Internet Explorer 5.0.

Our company has Akeni corporate IM server installed and its web client. In order for a device to access the server, it required IE 5 or higher browsser.

Thank you for any recommendations

I do not know of any, i have an axim x30 which has windows 2003 se and its NOT IE 5 compliant. However, check into the new dell axim v51. they have (will have very soon) the new windows 2005 and they may also have support for IE 5.

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