Thorick 0 Newbie Poster

Hello, this will be my first post. I hope to continue in the forums. But the reason I joined in the first place is because I have monitor problims.

I have a flatscreen LCD I was using for my computer. It worked fine. Then I bought a Xbox 360 and wanted to use the LCD for that. It is just a regulare Computer Monitor from dell. IT isn't a TV LCD.

I hooked Up the LCD to the 360 and used my old monitor for my computer again. I have been using the LCD on the 360 for the last few months. I have had not a problem. The thing that realy puzzles me is last night I was playing Call Of Duty 2. I played it then when I was done I put everything like normal and I didn't notice Anything wierd. It was like always. It worked fine. Today when I went to go us the 360 I got no picture. The LCD turned on but it was black. THere was no picture At all. When I tried to turn it off it wouldn't. I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it would now turn off and on but there was still no picture. I turned off the system and took all the cords off the LCD and unhooked it from power. Sometimes It will let in reset. When I tried again, nothing happened.

I also tried it on my computer. THere was no picture. Do you think it is burnt out. I don't see how it would burn out just like that. I just turned it off and went to bed. tHe next day it didn't work. But I would like to here what you guys have to say about the situation. If you think it is burnt out then it confirms it for me and I can go and buy a new manitor.

Also, If it is burnt out, do you think it was from running it on the 360 that burnt it out? It would be no different then playing a game on the computer. I have had no problem with that. But, again, I would like to hear what you guys have to say.

THanks for your time and help

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