
Is it possible to find out what all object files were put into an exe? Does it sound like a weird question? Well i have a c++ executable which was a simple program created by linking 2 .obj files. Can i now get this information from the exe which .obj files they were? I have used 'ldd' command to find which '.so's were linked but can't get anything for object files.


Is it possible to find out what all object files were put into an exe? Does it sound like a weird question? Well i have a c++ executable which was a simple program created by linking 2 .obj files. Can i now get this information from the exe which .obj files they were? I have used 'ldd' command to find which '.so's were linked but can't get anything for object files.

From the Linux command line you can do:

nm -A executable_file_name

This will list the symbols from object files


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