Hi there,

I have been running SuSE 9 Professional since it came in retail in the store on my wife's desktop system and we love it. As desktop distribution it works great. Everything is easy to install and works perfectly.

Unfortunatly we keep running into this problem with the font.

All the default installed programs through YaST are showing nicely anti aliassed fonts, but when I download Mozilla 1.6 and install it, it shows in a crappy blocky font, this also happens for many other programs that have to be compiled and aren't pre-build for SuSE. (I.e. FireBird worked! but thunderbird didnt!)

I hope someone has this too and knows how to fix this. Because it is really annoying.

I have too little experience with the GUI end of unix, so would be great to get some 'noob' help :)


This is not an answer at all but I just thought I'd mention it anyways. I used to run RedHat and just about everything - including Mozilla - was a yucky blocky font. What fixed it for me was installing Ximian Desktop which actually boasts special smooth fonts.

Each answer is 1 :)

I will read up on that, have a link to that product/company?

All the default installed programs through YaST are showing nicely anti aliassed fonts, but when I download Mozilla 1.6 and install it, it shows in a crappy blocky font, this also happens for many other programs that have to be compiled and aren't pre-build for SuSE. (I.e. FireBird worked! but thunderbird didnt!)

You might check out Knoppix.net (see below). Sure, it's Debian, not SUSE (they just changed to all-upper-case, by the way), but this is a KDE issue that has been dealt with. Do a search on "fonts" combined with "crappy", "blocky", "problem", etc.

http://www.ximian.com for Ximian Desktop

Ximian Desktop 2 also includes a Mozilla-based web browser, popular browser plug-ins, professional fonts, built-in Red Carpet software management, and much more.

It can be purchased or a lite version (including the fonts but without the Red Carpet software which keeps all packages on your system up to date in 1-click) can be downloaded for free.

One hopes that now Novell (who own Xiamian and SuSE) will sort this out properly for the next release (SuSE 10?).



All the default installed programs through YaST are showing nicely anti aliassed fonts, but when I download Mozilla 1.6 and install it, it shows in a crappy blocky font, this also happens for many other programs that have to be compiled and aren't pre-build for SuSE. (I.e. FireBird worked! but thunderbird didnt!)

Here's yet another aspect. This article was just published to the Linux Journal site:

I Can See Clearly Now, the Fonts are Smooth

My Knoppix install of Mozilla does call the Xft libraries, so I'm pleased.

I've been using SuSE since the days of old. I have not had such a prob.

I had the yucky font problem in Mozilla with RedHat 8/9. Installing Ximian fixed it for me. No experience with any other distros other than Mac OS X with Fink.

Perhaps you should slipp in.

I don't understand?

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