I have a server running Fedora 12. The web site has always worked when viewed by Firefox and IE - until we updated to Fedora 12. It now works fine with Firefox, but only get the default page when using IE. Am I forgetting something about the setup? Totally possible, since I don't do this every day - and I didn't write everything down the last time I updated the OS. Is there a CHMOD or something that I'm not doing correct? Apache not configured properly?

Did you:

  1. look in the log files from Apache
  2. use tracert on your Windows machine
  3. added or removed the sites address from the host file on windows
  4. check that you have a running dns server and
  5. nslookup "yoursite" gives the correct ip-address
  6. added the site to the blocked sites list in IE

If all 6 doesn't show any strange things, maybe you could post your Apache config file so we can have a look at it.

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