I know I'm a bit late with the news, but just was wondering everyone's opinion on this. Think we'll see a new incarnation of the all-in-one line anytime soon?


I've read reviews on the 20" iMac elsewhere and many folks aren't impressed with it. It costs over $2000 and for that price you can get a 1.6GHz single processor G5 and 15" studio display. It depends on what you need and what your priorities are, but I just don't see the value in what specs you get for the money. Anyone else?

They feature the iMac as an all-in-one design. However, the keyboard, mouse, and speakers are still separate. Now take my G5 tower ... the only extra separate thing is the monitor - and that's a hell of a lot better than the iMac monitor! Is a separate monitor really all that more convenient to not be considered all-in-1?

I don't know.

I considered an iMac a while back, but I knew I'd want to expand and upgrade, so having an all in one design wasn't for me. I suppose folks who just want to keep it simple, have no need for upgrades, or have limited space might consider the iMac a viable option.

Personally, about a year ago I wanted to get into the world of macs. I wanted a simple machine for my dorm room and so I got an iMac. I just bought a G5 tower for my home and am in love with it.

I think the iMac was the right decision for me at the time because I was really looking for either a laptop or something very condensed.

For a power machine for home, though, I'd definitely go w/ a tower.

This just reinforces a question I've had all along about these new Imacs...

Knowing how hinges can wear out, what's going to happen in a few years to all of these swivel monitors, especially one as heavy as a 20" model?

I'm envisioning a lot of hunched-over Mac users in a few years once the tension on those arms start drooping...

That already started happening to my 17" iMac.

My case exactly.

Can't you see the market, though? Nifty looking little translucent pieces of plastic, with an adjustable arm and a monitor-shaped notch on top:


/me grabs a patent application

My case exactly.

Can't you see the market, though? Nifty looking little translucent pieces of plastic, with an adjustable arm and a monitor-shaped notch on top:


you've hi the bull's eye !

dr Steven Dale

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