agent007 0 Newbie Poster

Hey All

Has anyone successfully configured FastCGI (mod_fastcgi-2.4.6-AP22.dll), Apache (2.2.11) and PHP (5.2.8) on Windows XP (Pro XP3)?

I have setup the fastcgi module and entered the directive to load it in the httpd.conf file, and edited that file further to use the fastcgi module to parse .php files. However, when browsing to my cgi-bin directory or any localhost subdirectory however the following error is generated:

You don't have permission to access ... on this server.

I have searched the Net and tried the different configurations but nothing has worked. Most of the examples were geared towards Unix though.

Can anyone help me with this? Specifically, what should I add to the httpd.conf file and maybe enble in the php.ini file.
