I have Xp SP1 when i try to install IIS it shows error "Insert XP SP1 CD" but i don't have its CD what should i do to install it.

Recently i uninstalled Service Pack 2 because of this problem it shows the same error "Insert XP SP 2 CD" but when i insert this CD nothing happened it continued its errors. I am not new in it. I am using IIS since last 3 years. But this problem really confused me.

This is looking for the i386 directory that is on the windows CD, typically you can point it to d:\i386 if the cd is in the drive, or you might want to try and point it to c:\windows\system32 or c:\windows, sometimes the files are already loaded in that directory and they can be pulled from there. :)

If this doesn't work, try to point it at the sp1 install file.

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