newbie26 0 Light Poster

hi can someone help me?

I have an excel file and the columns consist of :
ID, Name, ContactNo, SalesOutput

Sample record is:
123,Michelle Dela Rosa, 8437, 2
456, Anthony Diaz, 8414, 5

What I would like to achive is auto add rows depending on the value in SalesOutput column.
Then the above details should be:

123,Michelle Dela Rosa,8437,2
123,Michelle Dela Rosa ,8437,2
456,Anthony Diaz,8414,5
456,Anthony Diaz,8414,5
456,Anthony Diaz,8414,5
456,Anthony Diaz,8414,5
456, Anthony Diaz,8414,5

Please help.I need this for an important encoding to avoid manual input and urgent deadline.
The excel file contains of many records to manually insert rows.

Thank You.