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52 Posted Topics
Re: Best solution would be to edit the App Manifest on Application TAb of the project properties. Set the requestedExececutionLevel to requireAdministrator ![]() | |
Hi guys, I'm an experienced VB programmer, but recently started using C# and I like it. But what I need to do now, is get a list of all printers installed on the computer (not a problem) and print a page to all of them (also not a problem)... BUT … | |
Re: You could check into the FirstRun property, and somehow save that, and check it each time to program is run by using DateDiff.... | |
I've noticed an "awkward" issue in VB.... how to escape from things like nested loops or nested IFs, where the standard Exit Loop, Exit For, or Exit If simply starts a new iteration. For example, assume we have a 3-dimensional array (TheArray) that we want to brute-force test to see … | |
Re: You Might look into using regular expressions or the Like operator: [CODE]If phonenumbertxtbox.Text Like "$$$-$$$-$$$$" Then Msgbox ("Correct")[/CODE] Regular expressions are more advanced, but you can do more checking with them. | |
Re: [QUOTE=alaa sam;1695243]=> Three what I meant is that if I wrote my code as a console application Can I easily change it to windows application by building the forms ?? and thanks a lot for your attention all[/QUOTE] Yes you can. I wouldn't recommewnd it, as you'll need to tie … | |
Hi guys, I'm fairly new to C++, though I have several years of experience with C#. I've made program with XAML and C++. Part of the program's job is to download several hundred 10mb files from an FTP patch server. I've been using the .NET FtpWebRequest for this task, and … | |
This is probably a very simple answer that I'm missing. I have index.php and qeury.php in the same directory. Users visit index.php, which prints some info. It then needs to call qeury.php and exit, without waiting for query to finish running. Query just pings a server and then exits. How … | |
I need some help creating a regex. It seems like a simple problem, but I cannot, for the life of me, wrangle out the regex. All the regex should do is match an 'e' that is not preceed by a '', unless there is a space between them. Example: In … | |
Hi guys, I'm writing a program that needs to log on to a remote computer to preform a task. I have the user name and account, but I need a way to logon as that user on the remote machine. Edit: All I need to do is copy a file … | |
I am replacing an AutoHotkey script with a VB.net application. Part of the script involves sending keystrokes to an active application. VB uses SendInput and does send the keystrokes, but the application doesn't "get" them, but when AutoHotkey sends the same key to the same application, it works. I have … | |
I need to retrieve a HTML file from an external site ([url]http://example.com/page.html[/url]) and parse it. Parsing it is fine, however I can't seem to find a way to retrieve the file given this: [LIST] [*]Cannot use cURL [*]Must work on PHP 4.3.9+ [*]Must retrieve the file as a HTTP request … | |
Hi guys, Recently moved into PHP for a personal application. Basically, it tries to connect some servers to see if they're online. It ultimately returns a string, which the caller echos. The main function is: [CODE] function IsServerOnline($IP, $checkforevent = TRUE, $ischannel = TRUE, $PORT = 11020) { global $UseGlobalOverride, … | |
Re: Could you use Panels? If not, try creating your own custom control. You can set its shape with the Region property. | |
Re: This sounds like a job for reflection. Unfortunately, my experience with reflection is limited, so I suggest googling "C# Reflection Method Name". EDIT: quick google search, this looks exactly like what you want: [url]http://en.csharp-online.net/CSharp_FAQ:_How_call_a_method_using_a_name_string[/url] | |
Re: OK, well, this is actually very simple. Here is my example, it is a console appication and it uses a const string of the song paired with a StringReader. However, it should be very easy to adapt it to use a StreamReader. [CODE] class Program { const string Song = … | |
Hi guys, I'm making an Etch A Sketch program in C#. I have two buttons for the "knobs". Right now, I'm handling the mousemove event of the button to evaluate if the user is dragging the mouse up or down, and then updating the etch a sketch appropriatly. This works … | |
Hello guys, for a School assignment, I need to code a program in VB.NET or C#. The only requirements of this program are: [LIST] [*]It must use file IO in some form [*]It must take between 1 and 4 weeks to finish (assuming that I work on it 1-2 hours … | |
One of the things that always irked me about C# is its lack of an InputBox function. In VB, You can simply do [CODE=VBNET]response = InputBox("Enter your name")[/CODE] Unfortunately, there is no C# equivalent. Sure, you can call the VB one, but doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of … | |
Re: Add a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic and you can do: [CODE]string response = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Prompt", "Title", "DefaultResponse",5,5);[/CODE] While this gets the job done, I'd recommend making a form like Mitja Bonca suggested, as it's pure C# and infinitely more customizable. | |
OK, I'm making a program that pulls information out of a DaniWeb Profile page using a WebBrowser. However, it's frankly getting annoying having to click "Member log-in" each time, and this is something you'd do multiple times a day, possibly with different accounts. So, I thought, why not have it … | |
I have a program that must copy a file to 3 locations, the local hard disk, a USB drive, and a network location. I have the file (about 70mb) loaded into a byte array. My quesion is, since I'm not actively modifying the byte array, can I impliment a form … ![]() | |
Hi guys, I want to add an animated taskbar icon to my WPF project. I figured I would just use the Icon property, but I'm fairly new to WPF, and I dont know how to do it. In Winforms I would create a thread like this: [CODE]Private Sub AniIcon() Do … | |
Re: You say you call [CODE]This.close()[/CODE] Are you also calling any relevant [CODE]This.Dispose()[/CODE]? | |
Re: Better method is to use a regex. By using a negation on guessed letters, you get the same effect. Something like: [CODE] //NOTE: In a real application, this would go in the code when the guess a letter, AFTER they enter a letter string word = "moo"; //For Test string … | |
Hi all, I must admit I'm rather stumped by this one. I have a program that handles tickets/prizes for a business. Patrons obtain tickets, and then go to turn them in at a counter. An employee counts their tickets, and inputs that number into my program. The program then displays … | |
Re: Try surrounding your Foreach loop with a [CODE]Lock (dictionary) { }[/CODE] | |
Re: Look into a Graphics API like OpenGL or DirectX for your graphics. But if you just want a line between two points, look into the Graphics.DrawLine() function. | |
Re: Also, anywhere your function may exit, you need a return. For example, consider: [CODE] bool GetError(bool error) { if (error == true) { return true; } }[/CODE] That snippet will throw the same error. What you need is [CODE] bool GetError(bool error) { if (error == true) { return true; … | |
The End.