i have my algorithm but i can't get the flowchart to come out.
Declare Sticker_Price as Real
Declare Discount_Percent as Real
Declare Tax_Percent as Real
Declare Tag_Color as Character
Declare Answer as Character
Declare Final_Price as Real
Set Tax_ Percent = 0.07
Final_Price = 0.00
Process Get_Price(Sticker_Price)
Process Discount(Tag_Color, Discount_Percent)
Process Calc_Final(Sticker_Price, Tax_Percent, Discount_Percent, Final_Price)
Print "Do you want to enter another item (y,n)"
Input Answer
If Answer != 'y' or 'n'
Print "That letter is invalid"
End If
Until Answer == ‘y’ or ‘n’
Until Answer == 'n'
Print "The total is $" + Final_Price
Get_Price(Price as Real&)
Print "Enter sticker price of item"
Input Price
If Price <0.01
Print "Please enter a price greater than $0.00"
End if
Until Price >0.00
Discount(Tag_Color as Character, Discount_Percent as Real&)
Print "Enter the first letter of the sales tag color as UPPERCASE (W - B - O - R)"
Input Tag_Color
Case of Tag_Color:
= 'W':
Discount_Percent = 0.00
= 'B':
Discount_Percent = 0.25
= 'O':
Discount_Percent = 0.50
= 'R':
Discount_Percent = 0.75
Print "That is a invalid tag color"
Discount_Percent = -1
End of Case
Until Discount_Percent != -1
Calc_Final(Sticker_Price as Real, Tax_Percent as Real, Discount_Percent as Real, Final_Price as Real&)
Declare Item_Price as Real
Declare Discount_Amount as Real
Declare Tax_Amount as Real
Discount_Amount = Sticker_Price * Discount_Percent
Tax_Amount = Sticker_Price * Tax_Percent
Discount_Price = Sticker_Price - Discount_Amount
Item_Price = Discount_Price + Tax_Amount
Print "The Item price is $" + Item_Price + "that is with $" + Tax_Amount + "and a $" +
Discount_Amount + "Discount"
Final_Price = Final_Price + Item_Price