
I have a workbook that has several sheets. One sheet called FORM is password protected (by me). I have a macro that clears all sheets but when it gets to FORM it prompts for the password (which I don't wan't to give to my users).

Is there a way to pass the password to the sheet as the macro is running?



I have a workbook that has several sheets. One sheet called FORM is password protected (by me). I have a macro that clears all sheets but when it gets to FORM it prompts for the password (which I don't wan't to give to my users).

Is there a way to pass the password to the sheet as the macro is running?


See below. You also need to protect the VBA module so the user can't see the password:
In project explorer, right click on the modue and select "[module name] properties...". Then click on the protect tab and check lock project for viewing and add a password.

Change yourpassword with any password you want.

' Unprotect the FORM sheet so that VBA can write to it
Sheets("FORM").Unprotect Password:="yourpassword"

' Protect the FORM sheet (change the options after the password to suit your needs)
Sheets("FORM ").Protect Password:="yourpassword", _
DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowFormattingCells:=True, _
AllowFormattingColumns:=True, _

This simple code will solve your problem.
I assume that sheet1 is your form sheet which you want to protect and only access through code.

sheet1.protect "password", userinterfaceonly:=true

Please note that sheet1 in given in "Microsoft Excel Object" Index in Visual Basic Editor.

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