
i aam trying to develop a project using vb and access

i have got a problem

i have 3 tables in access

1.Cust info table(fields are listed below)
cust id,name,age,sex,country...etcxc(primary key cust id)

2,indate(fields are listed below)
custid ,packageid,date,intime,outime(no primary key)

3.package info table(fields are listed below
package id, package name,duration ,price(primary key packageid)

tthese three tables are connected...the attachment shows how it is connected

i want to write a query to select custid, custname,packageid,packagename,duration,price,date,timein,timeout from these tables in vb..n in a data grid to display these.

this has been solved by the following query

Select CI.name,I.ServiceID,P.packagename,P.duration,P.price,I.date,I.timeIn,I.timeOut
From CustInfo CI, InDate I, PakInfo P Where CI.CustID = I.CustID And I.ServiceID = P.ServiceID Order By CI.Name

now the problem is

i want to put a combo box and inthat combo box i have put months from jan to december...if the user selects jan it shud show filter the records from that query respect to date....if it is jan all the transactions in jan.it shud show in the data grid..can you tell me how to do that,,and one more thing there is a textbox to display the total. in that label it shud sum up all the price column listed in side the datagrid respect to the month selected by the user

can any one help me with this


After Selection of ComboBox, To filter out records use this query:

"Select CI.name,I.ServiceID,P.packagename,P.duration,P.price,I.date,I.timeIn,I.timeOut
From CustInfo CI, InDate I, PakInfo P Where CI.CustID = I.CustID And I.ServiceID = P.ServiceID And Month(I.Date) = " & (Combo1.ListIndex+1) & " Order By CI.Name"

Assuming, Your ComboBox is not sorted and it is in the Order "Jan","Feb","Mar"...

To Select Sum of price use this query:

"Select Sum(P.price)
From CustInfo CI, InDate I, PakInfo P Where CI.CustID = I.CustID And I.ServiceID = P.ServiceID "

Open recordset like above and populate the label..


commented: very good touch in vb +1
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