Ok.. this is wiered.. this code either crashes or exits when it shouldn't. I really have not a clue what the error is. It loads and process a .csv file and example of such would be below (although generally the files I am loading are a couple of tousands of times longer[numbers more]):


The name I gave to the file this program loads is "Ilya-tipical.csv" .

 * SSI2.cpp
 * Data Description:
 *    The data consists of a series of runs, one run per file. A data
 *    run consists of a number of bands, where the minimum number of
 *    bands is 3 and the maximum envisioned is currently thirty but
 *    could grow. Each band consists of three traces.  Each trace consists of a circular 
 *    scan of a measured height for a given angular position.  Thus the three bands map 
 *    alpha, beta,  gamma in conventional polar notation, the height varibale represents 
 *    the difference of height of this point to radius (1000nm). Phi represents phi and 
 *	  theta represents theta.  The set of bands represents incremental
 *    scans where the middle trace (if the number of traces is odd) or the
 *    middle 2 tracess (if the number of traces is even) represent the
 *    equatorial scan(s) for the run.
 *    The data are represented by rows of comma-delimited ASCII integers 
 *    which can be positive or negative.  Each row represents one angular
 *    position for all the bands.  The first row of the file is an ASCII
 *    comma-delimited description of the data.  Each descriptor is of the
 *    form 'Ya-b', where a is the trace identifier , , starting with 0, and b
 *    is the band identifier (1, 2 or 3). Identifiers are not used.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define OK  0
#define ERR 1

#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.141592654

 * The row oriented data, for each band

struct banddatum {
                    int    alpha_height;
                    float  alpha_theta;
                    float  alpha_phi;
                    int    beta_height;
                    float  beta_theta;
                    float  beta_phi;
                    int    gamma_height;
                    float  gamma_theta;
                 	float  gamma_phi;
 * Cortesian Data
 struct cortasian {
 					int alpha_x;
 					int alpha_y;
 					int alpha_z;
 					int beta_x;
 					int beta_y;
 					int beta_z;
					int gamma_x;
 					int gamma_y;
 					int gamma_z;
 * The data associated with one "band"
struct databand  {
                     int    bandid;                    
                     struct banddatum *bdata;          /* Pointer to array of band datums  */
                     struct cortasian *cort;		   /* Pointer to arrays of cortasian coord*/
 * The data associated with a run
struct datarun   {
                     FILE            *infile;
                     char             descriptor[MAXSTRINGLENGTH];
                     int              numfields;
                     int              numbands;
                     int              numrows;
                     int              equator_1;
                     int              equator_2;
                     struct databand **band;          /* Pointer to array of Band Data     */

char* strdup (char* string)
	int size = strlen (string);
    char * copy = (char*)calloc((size), sizeof(char));
  	memcpy (copy,string, size);
 	return copy;

void test()
	fflush (stdout);
	fprintf (stdout,"This is a test point, press enter to continue");
GetNumFields(char line[], char delimiters[])
    char *fieldptr;
    char *mycopy;
    int   fieldcount = 0;

    if (strlen(line) == 0)
        return 0;
    mycopy = strdup(line);
    fieldptr = strtok(mycopy, delimiters);
    while (fieldptr != NULL)
        fieldptr = strtok(NULL, delimiters);
    if (line[strlen(line) - 2] == ',')  /* some example files had traling commas*/
    return fieldcount;

GetRunAttributes(char infilename[], struct datarun *run)
    char mystring[MAXSTRINGLENGTH];
    int  linecount = 0;

    run->infile = fopen(infilename,"r");
    if (run->infile == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr,"Can't open data file named: %s\n",infilename);
        fclose (run->infile);
        return ERR;
    while(feof(run->infile) == OK)
        fgets(mystring, MAXSTRINGLENGTH, run->infile);
    run->numrows = linecount - 2;

    fgets(run->descriptor, MAXSTRINGLENGTH, run->infile);
    run->numfields = GetNumFields(run->descriptor,"', ");
    run->numbands = run->numfields / 3;

    if ((run->numbands % 2) == 1)
        run->equator_1 = run->equator_2 = (run->numbands / 2);
        run->equator_1 = (run->numbands / 2) - 1;
        run->equator_2 = run->equator_1 + 1;
    fclose (run->infile);
    return OK;

SetupDynamicData(struct datarun *run)
    printf("In Setup Dynamic Data\n"); 

     * A run has an array of bands
    run->band = (struct databand **)calloc(run->numbands, sizeof(struct databand *));
    for (int i = 0; i < run->numbands; ++i)
         * Each band has an array of datum (data) - heights, and angles
        run->band[i] = (struct databand *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct databand));
        run->band[i]->bdata   = (struct banddatum *)calloc(run->numrows, sizeof(struct banddatum));
        run->band[i]->cort   = (struct cortasian *)calloc(run->numrows, sizeof(struct cortasian));


    printf("Allocated all dynamic data, and assigned computable values\n");

    return OK;

FreeDynamicData(struct datarun *run)
    for (int i = 0; i < run->numbands; ++i)
        if (run->band[i] != NULL)
            if (run->band[i]->bdata != NULL)
            if (run->band[i]->cort != NULL)

LoadHeightData(struct datarun *run)
    char delimiters[] = ", ";
    char mystring[MAXSTRINGLENGTH];
    char *fieldptr;

    float angle = 0.0;
    float angle_increment;

    angle_increment = 360.0 / run->numrows;

    for (int i=0; i < run->numrows; ++i)
        fgets(mystring, sizeof(mystring), run->infile);
        fieldptr = strtok(mystring,delimiters);
        for (int j=0; j<run->numbands; ++j)

             run->band[j]->bdata[i].alpha_height = atoi(fieldptr);
             fieldptr = strtok(NULL,delimiters);
             run->band[j]->bdata[i].beta_height = atoi(fieldptr);
             fieldptr = strtok(NULL,delimiters);
             run->band[j]->bdata[i].gamma_height = atoi(fieldptr);    
             fieldptr = strtok(NULL,delimiters);
        angle += angle_increment;
    return OK;

CalculateAngles(struct datarun *run)
 * All calculations of angles are in rads. They are all made as equatorials and
 * then will be rotated.

	float thetainc=2*PI/run->numrows;  		  /*difference between each angle of theta 			  */
	float phiinc=30/1000;					  /*difference between each angle of phi (radius/dist)*/
	for (int a = 0; a < run->numrows; a++)
		for (int b=0; b<run->numbands; b++)
			//before rotation

			run->band[a]->bdata[b].alpha_phi= PI/2+(float)b*phiinc-(float)run->numrows*phiinc;
			run->band[a]->bdata[b].beta_phi= PI/2+(float)b*phiinc-(float)run->numrows*phiinc;
			run->band[a]->bdata[b].gamma_phi= PI/2+(float)b*phiinc-(float)run->numrows*phiinc;
			printf ("\nAlpha:\nTheta %f, Phi %f\nBeta:\nTheta %f, Phi %f\nGamma:\nTheta %f, Phi %f\n",run->band[a]->bdata[b].alpha_theta,run->band[a]->bdata[b].alpha_phi,run->band[a]->bdata[b].beta_theta,run->band[a]->bdata[b].beta_phi,run->band[a]->bdata[b].gamma_theta,run->band[a]->bdata[b].gamma_phi);
	return OK;
main(int argc, char argv[])
    struct datarun run;
    char           infile_name[] = "Ilya-tipical.csv";

    if (GetRunAttributes(infile_name, &run) == ERR)
        fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set up Data Run...quitting\n");
        return 1;
    if (SetupDynamicData(&run) == ERR)
        fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't Allocate Dynamic Data...quitting\n");
        return 1;
 /*   if (LoadHeightData(&run) == ERR)
        fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't Load Height Data...quitting\n");
        return 1;
	if (CalculateAngles(&run) == ERR)
 		fprintf (stderr,"Couldn't Calculate Angles...quitting\n");
    printf ("\nDone");
    return 0;

#undef ERR
#undef OK

that is wierd.
not to get off the subject
cscgal dont you have to be 18 to post at this forum site?

P.S.: Is that actually ture.. I doubt that though.............. It doesn't have any of such context.

that is wierd.
not to get off the subject
cscgal dont you have to be 18 to post at this forum site?

Sorry bra I was just trying to get her she dosent have POP-UP pm enabled
and is this your homework your posting just curious

I'm confused?

nope.. actually this is my internship.. it is at GA and it is really fun for the exception that sometimes my C skills aren't exactly up to speed. Also they gave me an Old mac with even older compiler to work on.. It doesn't even have modern std libs... I am more of Linux/Windows user.. oh yea.. I am below 18 hahaha...

it is like two posts just appeared... and they say they are 10 min old.........

So can anybody actually help me with my problem?

Sorry, Valmian. I can't help you here. Perhaps someone else can?

And, no, you don't have to be 18+ to post on the forums. However, you do have to be 13+ to register/post to be in compliance with Bill Clinton's COPPA children's online privacy act.

my error was that I closed a file a bit to early. also my mac did not have the actuall memory to run the full file... very sad...

it had virtuall memory disabled or smthn

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