Ok, I have this code as an ex.:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Dim L As Long, L1
  L = Label1.UBound
  L1 = L + 1
  Load Label1(L1)
  Label1(L1).Move Label1(L).Left + Label1(L).Width
  Label1(L1).Visible = True
End Sub

If I press the button two times, it will make two copies of Label1 in one row (total 3 labels). What lines should be added to this code, if I want the fourth label to be copied on the second row? Then again two copies, and the seventh label on third row and so on?

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you can use for loop for this

Dim L1 As Long
Dim i As Integer, iT As Long

'Last Control's Top and Height
iT = Label1(Label1.UBound).Top + Label1(Label1.UBound).Height
For i = 0 To 1
   L1 = Label1.UBound + 1
   Load Label1(L1)
   'First Control's Left property and Total Width
   Label1(L1).Move Label1(0).Left + (Label1(0).Width * i), iT
   Label1(L1).Visible = True

Thank you again selva :)

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