I am doing my homework right now. my program is providing 3 slider that user can choose RGB value and fill the color in rectangle. also everytime when the user slide the slider, there should be a JTextField can show the value which the user choose.

my problms are:
I don't know how I can write the value from the slider to JTextField.

I want to write the value into JTextField and by the time, the slider should slide to the value which I just enter.

is there any one can help me how I can do those 2 things?



There's a great tutorial link that gives an example of what you are asking for. Or at least close to what you are asking for - it's about frames per second but the idea is very similar to your problem.

Here is the link:

So for example, if you add a changeListener to your JSlider component, you can then use the:

public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)

method to write your code that will update your JTextField.

Hope this is of some help,

// Illustrates the use of the Color class
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Colors extends Applet implements ActionListener
ColorControl[] control = new ColorControl[3];

public Colors()
setLayout( new GridLayout(6,1) );

control[0] = new ColorControl( "Red" );
control[1] = new ColorControl( "Green" );
control[2] = new ColorControl( "Blue" );

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
add( control );

public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent theEvent )
Color c = new Color( control[0].getValue(),
control[2].getValue() );

setBackground( c );

public static void main(String arg[])
Colors theApp = new Colors( );

AppletFrame af = new AppletFrame(theApp, "The Colors Applet");

af.add(theApp, "Center");
af.setSize( 200, 300 );
theApp.init( );
theApp.start( );

class ColorControl extends Applet implements ActionListener
final static int STEP = 16;

private Label name;
private int   value     = 255;
private TextField input = new TextField( "255" );
private Button upButton = new Button( " + " );
private Button dnButton = new Button( " - " );

public int getValue() { return value; }

public ColorControl( String s )
setLayout( new GridLayout(1,4) );
name = new Label( s );

add( name );
add( input );
add( upButton );
add( dnButton );

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent theEvent)
value = Integer.parseInt(input.getText());

if (theEvent.getSource( ) == upButton) value+=(value + STEP > 255 ? 0 : STEP);
if (theEvent.getSource( ) == dnButton) value-=(value - STEP < 0 ? 0 : STEP);

input.setText( "" + value );
((ActionListener) getParent( )).actionPerformed(theEvent);

class AppletFrame extends Frame implements WindowListener
Applet theApplet;

public AppletFrame(Applet anyApplet, String title)
theApplet = anyApplet;

public void windowClosed     (WindowEvent theEvent) {  }
public void windowClosing    (WindowEvent theEvent) { quitApplication( ); }
public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent theEvent) { }
public void windowIconified  (WindowEvent theEvent) { }
public void windowOpened     (WindowEvent theEvent) { }
public void windowActivated  (WindowEvent theEvent) { }
public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent theEvent) { }

public void quitApplication( )
theApplet.stop( );
theApplet.destroy( );
dispose( );

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