i need to have 14 string items in a combobox
each item needs to have a different value but the same variable, how would i do this.
im new to programming.

help would be apreciated much. thanks!!!!!

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Not Clear.. What does Same Variable mean..?
Do you want to get Selected Item of the ComboBox in Some Variable..?

MyVar = Combo1.Text


ive got a combobox. ill tell you some choices that are in it. :

vacant lot
seaside lot
shopping mall

when you click one of these, they are connected to the same variable. because im figuring one problem at a time, the choice which you choose is now connected to a variable, this variable is put into an equation and figured. each choice will have two things attached to it.
its monetary value, and itself, like its own name.

but im not exactly sure if it can be done.

also, each option must be able to show itself in an output, as a string

ive got a combobox. ill tell you some choices that are in it. :

vacant lot
seaside lot
shopping mall

when you click one of these, they are connected to the same variable. because im figuring one problem at a time, the choice which you choose is now connected to a variable, this variable is put into an equation and figured. each choice will have two things attached to it.
its monetary value, and itself, like its own name.

but im not exactly sure if it can be done.

also, each option must be able to show itself in an output, as a string

personally, i'd create a type, could be public or private, going to go public for now...

public type lotStyle
 stLot as string
 cPrice as currency
end type

Public LotStuff() as lotStyle

then you can set your values, or load them from a file

public sub SetValues_hardCoded()
 redim LotStuff(1 to 4)
 LotStuff(1).stLot = "vacant lot"
 LotStuff(1).cPrice = 5000
 LotStuff(2).stLot = "seaside lot
 LotStuff(2).cPrice = 10000
 LotStuff(3).stLot = "casino
 LotStuff(3).cPrice = 100000
 LotStuff(4).stLot = "shopping mall
 LotStuff(4).cPrice = 150000
end sub

- or -

public sub SetValues_fromFile(stFileName as string)
 open stFileName for random as #1 len=len(LotStuff)
 dim x as integer
 for x = 1 to lof(1) / len(LotStuff)
  ReDim preserve LotStuff(1 to x)
  get #1, x, LotStuff(x)
 next x
end sub

- then -

Private Sub Form1_Load()
 'this assumes that the variable information has already been loaded...
 dim X as Integer
 For X = LBound(LotStuff) to UBound(LotStuff)
  cboComboBox.addItem LotStuff.stLot
 Next X
End Sub

hope that helps :)

thank you VERY much. if you can, add me. please.
that helps out sooo much. when i get home from school im gunna try it.

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