Lord Felix 0 Newbie Poster

Im not very sure on how to store the (x,y) coordinates of the Point2D.Double object into an ArrayList so that I could access them later. I have looked through the Java classes on Point2D.Double, but have only found its constructors and methods and not on how the coordinates can be stored in an ArrayList. I have not much of a lead on this but here's at what I have so far:

public class IrregularPolygon
	private ArrayList myPolygon;
	public IrregularPolygon() 

	public void add(Point2D.Double aPoint) 

	public void draw() 
		DrawingTool pencil;
		SketchPad paper;
		paper = new SketchPad(450,450);
		pencil = new DrawingTool(paper);

	public double perimeter() 
		double perim = 0;
		return perim;

	public double area() 
		int area = 0;
		return area;


class IPTester
	public static void main(String[] args)
		IrregularPolygon poly = new IrregularPolygon();
		poly.add(Point2D.Double(50.0, 50.0));

The lab can be found here: Here

Thanks in advance :)

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