After the treeview is filled is possible to:

count how may AG-xxxxx are in 8501-xxx, count how may items are in each AG-xxxxx, , count how may items are in each SETT. -xx, ....ecc

and store the result in a var


count during the treeview is filling and return the result in a var

in effect i want to count how many items are in each node with "+"...
this is my code to fiull treeview:

        Do Until RSSQL2.EOF
            sValue = Trim(RSSQL2.Fields("COD_AREA").value)
            sKey = "K" & sValue
            .Nodes.Add , , sKey, sValue & " - " & Trim(RSSQL2.Fields("DESCRIZIONE")), 1, 1
            sValue = "AG. - " & Trim(RSSQL2.Fields("SPORT").value)
            'sSQL = .Nodes.Count
            .Nodes.Add sKey, tvwChild, "L" & sValue, sValue & " - " & Trim(RSSQL2.Fields("DESCRIZIONE2")), 1, 2
            sKey = "L" & sValue
            sValue = "SETT. - " & Trim(RSSQL2.Fields("PROVA3"))
            SSQL = .Nodes.Count
            .Nodes.Add sKey, tvwChild, "M" & sKey & sValue, sValue, 1, 2
            sKey = "M" & sKey & sValue
            sValue = "COPE - " & Trim(RSSQL2.Fields("PROVA1"))
            .Nodes.Add sKey, tvwChild, "N" & sKey & sValue, sValue, 1, 2
            'sSQL = .Nodes.Count

in this case AREA 8501 contain 68 AG. -xxx
in this case Ag. -0300 contain 17 SETT. -XX
in this case SETT. 00 contain 1 item, in this case SETT. 75 contain 1 item

Try the .Children property

tks SCBWV, ....

example about my prob?


Try This :

Dim TNode as Node
Set TNode = Trvw.Nodes("AG. -0300") 
'Note Ag.-300 is the Key of the node
MsgBox TNode.Children


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