bustanji83 0 Newbie Poster

the below action working just on the first mail in inbox how can i customized it to work on all mail item
Public Class ThisAddIn
Private WithEvents mailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Private WithEvents items As Outlook.Items

Private Sub ThisAddIn_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Me.Startup

Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace = Application.Session
Dim inbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder = ns.GetDefaultFolder( _

For Each o As Object In inbox.Items
If TypeOf o Is Outlook.MailItem Then
mailItem = o
Exit For
End If

AddHandler mailItem.CustomAction, AddressOf MailItem_CustomAction

Dim action As Outlook.Action = mailItem.Actions.Add()
action.Name = "My custom action"
action.ShowOn = Outlook.OlActionShowOn.olMenuAndToolbar
action.ReplyStyle = Outlook.OlActionReplyStyle.olLinkOriginalItem
'End If

End Sub

Private Sub MailItem_CustomAction(ByVal action As Object, _
ByVal response As Object, ByRef cancel As Boolean)

MessageBox.Show("Add mail")
End Sub

End Class


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